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Legal Method “Against the Decision of Immigration Judge Flannel in Anya V the Secretary Of State for the Home Department”

Legal Method “Against the Decision of Immigration Judge Flannel in Anya V the Secretary Of State for the Home Department”

By going through all the proceedings of the case “Anya v The Secretary of State for the home department” a very controversial facts and figures were highlighted and there were some issues that can be raised by the people against the Immigration Judge Flannel. The statement of the Judge Flannel “I find it disbelieving that the appellant, having been beaten for four days was allowed to keep his wallet and passport in prison”, was quite conflicting as the girl Anya was tortured by people and was not allowed in making herself free from that miserable situation. This is the case of a citizen named Anya, who was born on 1st January 1988. She is the appellant in this case and has appealed in the court for granting her humanitarian rights protection and/or asylum.

Anya (the appellant) has explained her immigration history that she started from Belarus on 1st January 2011 and it ended on 30th October 2012 in Hendon, as she got arrested from her boyfriend's flat and was then detained at Yarlswood. On 31st October 2012, she got released from jail and on 12th November 2012 she took an asylum interview.

There were various confusions in the judgment of Judge Flannel as she took the case of Anya not seriously and made statements against her attempt to protest against the humanitarian rights protection mission. As the appellant was citizen of Belarus she was deported there and was presented in the court in front of the Secretary. The appellant was having political background of almost six years and she was having an active participation in the political protests. She participated in the protests that were made against the election of the President Alexander Lukashenko. Belarus is a country in which the human rights were not protected and the citizens were not having freedom of speech. This was the main reason that the people of Belarus were involved in protests against the regime of the state. The citizens should be given their rights so that they can live their lives with freedom.

The history of appellant is quite crucial as she got detained in Minsk (Capital of Belarus) for the protest against the President. As she was an active member of the Young Front party, she kept on struggling for getting freedom in the state even in the jail. Due to their active participation they were all beaten and tortured in the jail. Anya became ill due to great brutality that she faced in the jail of Minsk. Many of the people were killed in jail as they were traumatized and physically tortured in the jail. Her parents used bribe in making her released from the jail as they were afraid of losing ...
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