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Assignment on Law

Law finds immense application in our lives and is hardly limited to any single domain. Writing a law assignment is therefore a hefty task given the broad expanse and scope of the field. This section of Researchomatic has been specifically designed for students and researchers to shed light on the common law practices, legal careers, and legal designs and most importantly on different case notes.

Business Law
Business Law Business Law Project 1 Answer 01 A court would first consider the matter to analyze if any applicable statuses can be applied to the situation. Besides that, the court would determine if there are any earlier relevant past court decisions applicable to the case. The court might find a similar case, though ...
Law And Contracts
LAW AND CONTRACTS International Business Law and Contracts International Business Law and Contracts Introduction In this paper, the discussion would be based on a clothes-trading company that I plan to open along with my friends. The company would be registered in India, and I would serve as an in charge of negotiating sales ...
Business Law
BUSINESS LAW Business Law Business Law Introduction The law of contracts defined by the rules of the Civil Code regarding contracts. These rules define the obligations of contractors and are from the moral principle of respect for the word given, which will result in the sixteenth century to the rule of binding ...
Article Critique
ARTICLE CRITIQUE The Local Selves of Global Workers: The Social Construction of National Identity in the Face of Organizational Globalization The Local Selves of Global Workers: The Social Construction of National Identity in the Face of Organizational Globalization   Introduction The construction of national identities creates a certain net of power relations among organizational actors, ...
CRIMINOLOGY Criminology Criminology Security is a basic need of individuals, as it is a necessity in the building and the development of society. It is a safety valve for survival based on fundamental pillar of the construction of civilization. There is no security without the stability and no civilization without security and ...
Adult Care Homes
ADULT CARE HOMES Protection of Vulnerable Adults in Care Homes Protection of Vulnerable Adults in Care Homes Introduction The growing incidence of elder abuse and severe fissures in the multi generational family or household has forced many older persons to abandon their family home; some of them have also been “pushed out” and ...
MURDER Dave's Potential Liability for Murder Dave's Potential Liability for Murder Introduction Introduction Mens rea is a term (which translates as: guilty mind) used in the criminal law. The standard test in the common law to determine the criminal liability is commonly present with the Latin phrase, actus non nisi mens sit rheumatic ...
Hoffman Vs. Catepillar
HOFFMAN VS. CATEPILLAR Hoffman vs. Caterpillar Hoffman vs. Caterpillar Introduction Shirley Hoffman was a lady born without a left arm below the elbow. She was working in Optical Service Department at caterpillar, Inc. which provides scanning services to the company. She was performing her job properly even she was also performing her job ...
Case Study
CASE STUDY Business Employment Law Business Employment Law 1. What was the legal issue in this case? William construction Co has been charged for four violations of safety under Occupational safety and health act (OSHA). These violations were charged in result of one of his employee's death. He died in the course of ...
Contract Management
CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract Management Contract Management Introduction Mr Nash was a businessman. He carried a business as a decorator and general building contractor. He made a claim about the failure of contract on Tonbridge Estates (Sussex) Limited, which is a limited liability company. It carried out construction projects. One of such projects included ...
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