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Assignment on Law

Law finds immense application in our lives and is hardly limited to any single domain. Writing a law assignment is therefore a hefty task given the broad expanse and scope of the field. This section of Researchomatic has been specifically designed for students and researchers to shed light on the common law practices, legal careers, and legal designs and most importantly on different case notes.

Business Law Cases
Business law cases Business law cases Contracts According to the Article 2 of Uniform commercial code, the scope of the article can be discussed as unless the statement of the act would require, the article would be used for the transaction of goods. The article however would not be applicable to any other ...
Criminal Law And Process
Criminal Law and Process Case Scenario Jan is an addict she mistakenly given methadone to her 5 years old daughter during her suffering from cough and she died. Jan kept methadone in cough bottle and she has new partner who she was living with after her divorce from her 5years old ...
Federal It Management Comes Up Short
Federal IT Management Comes Up Short Introduction Organizational leaders believe the change in IT is the first time that organizations have encountered a changing technology that took less time to transition into the world's global economy. The change surprised leadership as incongruous, but also proved that the world is changing. During the ...
Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand Argument
Adam Smith's Invisible Hand Argument Adam Smith's Invisible Hand Argument Smith defined liberalism as a society that regulates itself through the market, individuals serving the social good by pursuing self-interest, with the state intervening only minimally: The difference between the most dissimilar characters, between a philosopher and a common street ...
Contract Law
Contract law Contract law Introduction In the light of the background provided the law which will be discussed in the course of the paper tends to be contract law. Contract law is a sub-sector liability law, a set of legal rules governing the civil liability arising from different types of contracts. Includes separate ...
LAW Types of Police Agencies Types of Police Agencies Introduction The development of modern police forces in American cities exemplifies the enhancement and growing complexity of municipal authority. At the same time, it reveals a shift in the basis of community order from a general consensus on moral and religious rules to reliance on ...
Castle Doctrine Law
Castle Doctrine Law Castle Doctrine Castle Doctrine” law (2005), which establishes the right of citizens to defend themselves by using deadly force and eliminates the “duty to retreat” when faced with force outside the home and in a place they have a right to be. By May 2006, three other states ...
Sale Of Goods Act 1979 United Kingdom
Sale of Goods Act 1979 United Kingdom Sale of Goods Act 1979 United Kingdom Introduction The parliament of United Kingdom has passed the Sale of Good act 1979.Thi act regulates the English Contract Law and commercial law of United Kingdom in respect of goods which are sold and bought. This act has made ...
Limited Company
LIMITED COMPANY Limited Company Limited Company Limited Company The limited liability company is a corporation with its own legal personality (Legal Entity). For its liabilities, it shall be liable only the company's assets. The limited liability company may be founded by legal entities or natural persons. The construction is carried out by one or ...
Worldcom Case Study
WorldCom Case Study WorldCom Case Study Introduction Since the beginning of time, fraud and scam cases have emerged and have been reported the world, with specific emphasis on accounting and finances. It should be noted that a number of companies have been removed from the face of industry due to these fraud cases ...
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