Law And The School

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Law and the School

Law and the School


In this paper, we will discuss the role of Federal and District law and will determine where these laws could be used. Federal Law is superior over all other laws as it is derived from the constitution directly, making it a very important source of justice.


The Federal District Court is located in Columbia. Its postal address is U. S. District Court (or U.S. Bankruptcy Court), for the District of Columbia, 333 Constitution Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20001. Federal Circuit Court of Appeals is located in Washington.

Therefore, a federal government is the main government of a federation or a country. This government is further divided into two or more levels of government including an established territory, which governs through common institutions with the shared powers or overlapping as prescribed by a constitution, where on the other hand a state government or provincial government is the sub national entity which happens to share political power with the federal or national government which can be further excersised by the state government which falls under the federal government.

Moreover, since they are dependent on each other, the political autonomy is divided. There are courts under the federal and state government separately which also further elaborates the penalties faced by the offenders. These courts serve as the venue where disputes are then settled and justice is administered (Joel, 2004)

However, the implementation of the criminal law policy is in a way dependant of each other but have certain different set of rules and regulations as well. For instance, the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice comes under the law imposed by the state government but the federal government gives the approval of passing the bill in the senate. Therefore, the state government was the one which passed a law about ending capital punishment which was termed as cruel and unlawful. After this bill was passed by the federal government almost 32 states out of the 51 have banned this practice. Capital punishment can be of various forms which commonly used are lethal injection, electrical chair and firing squad (Joel, 2004).

The federal law is considered to be superior to the state law when the court has to solve legal problems. It is derived directly from constitution making it more superior than any other law. Federal law happens to be originate from within the Constitution which is under the federal government, which furthers gives the congress the power to exercise certain rules and regulations. The laws are not influenced by the state government as it is a separate entity altogether. Furthermore, punishments which are given by governing states need to take permission from the supreme court which is of the highest order in order to implement it. It is an entirely chain of process which take place.

The legal system of America goes back to 1706. The original settlers were mainly merchants, religious dissidents and peasants displaced from their growing areas in native ...
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