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The Honorable: Marco Rubio

Independence Avenue and 1st Street, SW

Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2407

Washington, District of Columbia 20515-0913

Dear Representative,

Animal warfare or combating - whether it takes account of dogs or birds - is an aggressive offense that grounds great pain and torment to myriad numerals of guiltless animals. It is also linked with group action, drugs, betting, money launder practice, banned ordnance, and other crimes. Animal combating functions cause danger to the entire population. In the last few years, the central management has increased reporting and exposure of and punishments for animal combating actions in the Animal Wellbeing Act, but it is still missing in one part: the viewer. Spectators are not blameless onlookers; they are forceful and dynamic contributors in and facilitators of these unkind illegal activities and should be dealt in view of that.

Furthermore, when a battle is raided, the arrangers, supporters, instructors, and possessors scatter and mix into the multitude to run away from being take in for questioning. Reps. Tom Marino and Betty Sutton have initiated H.R. 2492, the Animal Combating viewer prevention Act, to seal this ambiguity. Their bill makes intentionally attending an animal fight liable to be punished by charges and up to a year in top-security prison. Also, identifying that experience to animal unkindness - particularly the egregious rough treatment of animal combating - can desensitize kids to violent behavior at an early age; the bill makes it a separate wrongdoing, with even higher punishments, to intentionally bring a minor to such an occasion. This consistent legislation will perk up attempts to clear our societies of this unkind and perilous offense.

The Animal Fighting Spectator Proscription Act will support and reinforce centralized level punishments for involvement in animal combating actions. Please support H.R. 366 and give an opinion of your judgment. As you may bring to mind, in 2008, the Commonwealth of Virginia modified the Code of Virginia Part 3.1-796.124 to reinforce the state's animal combating law and punishments for involving in planned animal fightings, together with cock fights, for enjoyment, activity, or monetary advantage.

United States general public and Florida people overpoweringly resist theatrical animal fightings and add force to legislation keeping out and punishing contribution in these performance in which creature unkindness, drug trafficking, unlawful betting, public bribery and killings are drawn in. In 2007, the U.S. legislative body accepted legislation offering crime-level punishments for limited-access highway and overseas animal fighting ...
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