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Latin America

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Latin America


The term Latin America or Latin America has many uses and connotations:

The term “Latin America” ??refers only to countries speaking Spanish and Portuguese ,

Haiti is sometimes included because it shares the island of the Spanish in the Dominican Republic . International geopolitics in the jargon is common to use the compound term Latin America and the Caribbean to name all the territories of the Western Hemisphere extending south of the United States , including countries that do not speak Romance languages ??such as Suriname , Guyana and English-speaking islands of the Caribbean. According to the official definition of the Spanish Royal Academy , “Latin America” ??is the set of countries in the Americas that speak Romance languages ??, specifically Spanish , Portuguese and French . According to this definition, "Latin America" ??includes in Latin America (Spanish speaking countries), Brazil (Portuguese speaking) and Haiti (where French is the official language although Haitian Creole is the language commonly used). Other territories in the Americas where Romance languages ??are spoken, which would be part of Latin America from the linguistic point of view, are the provinces Canadians of Quebec , Nova Scotia and New Brunswick , the overseas territories French of St. Pierre and Miquelon , San Martin and San Bartolomé , the overseas departments French Guiana , Martinique and Guadeloupe , and states Americans in Louisiana (where Cajun is spoken by 5% of the population), and New Mexico , Florida , Texas , Arizona and California (where Spanish is widely spoken) (Chasteen, 12).

Before the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the region was home to many indigenous peoples and advanced civilizations such as Aztec , Toltec , the Caribs , tuples , Mayas and Incas . The golden age of the Maya began about 250 AD, with the last two great civilizations, the Aztecs and Incas, emerging into prominence later in the early fourteenth and mid fifteenth, respectively.

American civilizations discovered and invented cultural elements crucial for humanity as advanced calendars , complex systems of genetic manipulation such as that generated the corn and 75% of the current food and a domain in the stone work. They inititaed ne management systems environmental wide geographical areas, advanced irrigation systems, new writing systems, new political and social systems, advanced metallurgy and textile production , etc. Some ancient civilizations also discovered the wheel, which was not useful due in part to production in ...
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