Labour Market Changes & Hrm Practices

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Labour Market Change, Inequality & Disadvantage: An investigation into Gender, Race & Ethnicity and Implications for HRM

Section 11

Influence of Structural Change & Economic Developments on Labour market and HR Practices1

Increase in Female Labour Market Participation2

Inequality and Lack of Career Progression Opportunities for Females in UK Labour Market4

Why Labour Market Outcomes & Rewards differ for males and females5

Section 27

Economy and Labour Market of London7

Effectiveness of HR Interventions and Legislations8

Long term Economic Issues9

Competencies required by HR Professionals10


Labour Market Change, Inequality & Disadvantage: An investigation into Gender, Race & Ethnicity and Implications for HRM

Section 1

Influence of Structural Change & Economic Developments on Labour market and HR Practices

The UK offers great job opportunities, especially for those who do not need a work permit. The flexibility of its labour market has led in recent years to a labour market sanitized with an unemployment rate below 8%, compared to other EU countries. In April 2011 unemployment rate was recorded in London below 7%.

The British economy, like that of most neighbouring countries, has undergone considerable change in recent months due to the crisis in the financial and real estate sector and the rise in fuel prices. The regions with the highest weight in the British economy, because of labour force, are London, South East and North West.

The recent changes in UK's labour market include deindustrialization, expansion of the service sector, increased ratio of older citizens, and an enhanced flexibility of the labour market.

Most of the growth is concentrated in the southeast of England, while the highest unemployment rates are in the north of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. There are also certain sectors where jobs are scarce, as in manufacturing and heavy industry.

A significant disturbance has been created by the recent structural change that has occurred in UK's labour market. A reassignment of jobs has been done from deteriorating to booming sectors, which has crucially affected the occupations within the industry, both regionally and nationally. This structural change has led to similarities in employment specialization even between different regions of UK, especially within the service sector (Robson 2009. pp.1-2). This factor alone has significant implications for the human resource professionals within the region.

After the Second World War and the gradual loss of the colonies, the country returned to the course as maintaining a strong economy double alliance that lasts to this day, not lost its economic perspective on Europe, but also strengthened its trade relations with the United States that after the conflict serves as a world power. This economic role has enabled it to maintain a solid and steady development throughout the second half of the twentieth century.

Increase in Female Labour Market Participation

The rate of female unemployment has continuously risen over the past few years. There have been significant changes in the participation of females in the United Kingdom's labour market over the past 40 years. Changes have occurred in attitudes and behaviours, which have significant implications for both males and ...
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