Global Trends

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Global Trends

Global Trends

Global world consists of trends and careers. Global world is the development, implementation, and maintenance of computer hardware and software systems to organize and communicate information electronically. Global world, IT is usually involved in the context of a business and is often used to automate manual tasks as well as improve efficiencies within an organization. By involving computer systems, IT has helped industry reach new markets and apply new services to customers and clients. Trends and careers that involve Global world may include job prospects, career paths and salary ranges.

A shortage of trained computing professionals in Malaysia is predicted to last into the next century, so career opportunities should be good. Often the career path of a graduate is determined by the development of an interest in a specific aspect of computing or a particular area of commerce, industry, science or engineering during the course. There are also opportunities for good students to study for higher degrees and to pursue careers in teaching and research. The shortage of qualified academic staff in the field is expected to continue for some years.

For most of the 20th century, the number of tasks and levels in large organisations grew incrementally, with new job and career opportunities to full-time employees. The introduction of the 21st century brought about fundamental changes because of numerous factors including global developments both technological and economical, changing labour market trends and the need for flexibility. As such, organisations have cut back their operations, closed facilities or outsourced non-core activities to specialist providers. The need for cost reduction, speed and flexibility lead organisations to reduce full-time employees thus, offering temporary employment. The global labour market trend continually undergoes extensive transformation causing difficulty recruiting and retaining qualified staff. Hence, private and public organisations are becoming reliant on alternative employee ...
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