Labor Law And Hrm

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Labor Law and HRM


In this paper, we would be discussing the labour law and how does it influence the human capital management. This paper would be discussing Employment Standards Act and the key employment standards which are followed by the employeses as well as management. The ESA describes the obligations which are to be followed by employees and describe the law with respect to hours of work and overtime, rates of pay, public holidays, various forms of leave and vacations. Employees whose rigths are violate under Fair labor Standards Act Act, they can calim for their rights.

Labor Law and HRM


In this paper, we would be discussing labor laws and their influence on human capital management. This paper would be discussing employment standards act and its influence on human capital management.

Employment law

It is defined as ithe branch of law that governs the creation, operation and termination of labor relations, determines the mode of co-workers, the measure establishes a procedure for Occupational Safety and deal with labor disputes. Labor law does not regulate the manufacturing processes and social relations of subjects of labor relations, that is, the social forms of labor. From this point of view, labor is a scientist, inventor, writer, and other individual forms of labor are not subject to the regulation of labor law, as performed outside of public relations. Labor law regulates the social relations that arise over the use and implementation of capacity for work (Simon, Gillian, 2005).

Fair labor Standards Act

The ESA describes the obligations which are to be followed by employees and describe the law with respect to hours of work and overtime, rates of pay, public holidays, various forms of leave and vacations. These laws are followed through out various countries and they help in managing the human capital and polices. According to the standards, companies require to regulate the Act, citing the following (excerpt).

Key employment standards

This law states the following standards which shuld be followed:

(1) Prohibition of discrimination treatment on grounds of nationality.

It states that employers must treat not discriminated against with respect to wages, working hours and other working conditions due to the worker's nationality, beliefs or social class. (Article 3 of the Labor Standards Act).

(2) Indication of working conditions.

It states that by signing the employment contract, employers must clearly indicate the worker's salary, working hours and other working conditions. Especially with regard to data relating to wages and hours of work and other data establishing orders, you need to be given a document (notification of working conditions, etc..) To clarify the details. (Article 15 of the Labor Standards Act) (Burkhauser, 2009).

(3) Prohibition of forced labor and deprivation of pay intermediaries.

An employer must not impose work against their will by violence or threats. In addition to the cases permitted by law, should not develop as a profession to obtain benefits in employment mediation of others. (Articles 5 and 6 of the Labor Standards Act)

(4) Prohibition on contracts that fines or damages for breach of ...
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