Kotter's 8 Step Approach

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Kotter's 8 Step Approach


So much has been said and composed regarding the sort of progress and the best methods to operate and manage a company. Based on different studies; it is presently conceivable to understand different steps that could be brought about inside a company to guarantee that change is attained. Such progressions ought to be considerable and have a positive enduring effect. This essay will investigate different explanations why a company requires change in management. The essay will also present strategies that TESCO needs to include to bring the fundamental change. It will also examine different measures that can empower Tesco, to precede with its business as usual way things work. The essay will confer how these progressions should be appointed regarding top-down process of management and planning. These structures bring about the application of the organizations outsourcing and counseling gathering. The essay will discuss how Tesco can use Kotter's 8-stage methodology and the view of the change procedures.


Organizations functions have seen quick changes in the business situations. In the past years, numerous organizations have confronted changes in situations and environments in which they work and have devised a workable plan to be enduring. In the recent days, these progressions have impacted the whole operation of these organizations and their activities (Harigopal, 2006). Competitive force brought about by irregular technological changes, deregulation, and globalization seem to have committed numerous organizations to think about different strategies of radical changes as a method of developing and surviving. The predominant change that organizations need to place into focus is the environment in which it works. Numerous activities can happen coming about to a complete change in the way companies supervises business affairs.

A number of events that effect the organization including big calamities like civil wars, earthquake, changes in the political governments and different events. Market financial indicators indicate changes in a negative or positive way, resulting to an organizational reform. For example, the rapid decrease or increase in rate of currency can impact the organization to come about into the usage of change in the way it maintains its activities. Companies find it exceedingly troublesome to predict the activities in the stock exchanges. A few changes also influence organizations like the increase of businesses in the markets and the sort of capital that streams into them (Todnem, 2005). It is important for an organization to stay informed regarding opportunities in the business environment in which it could infiltrate and create more new markets and overcome probable contenders.

All the examined components make numerous organizations to be affected by the change. Concerning matters, for example organizational change administration, there is no significant contrast in role of the company in different divisions of the financial framework. Distinctive associations irrespective of whether they fit in the budgetary field or not, ought to accept new standards and guidelines in an effective way of change management (Harigopal, 2006).

Company Overview

TESCO came into existence in 1919 when Jack Cohen began selling remaining foodstuff from a stall in the East End of ...
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