The organization is a system that receives inputs from its context. The three main elements of context are the means, resources and history. An important input into the organization's strategy, is the basic decisions in the business of the company. Within each business decisions about markets, are supply and competition.
The organization is the mechanism that makes the strategy in the context of the environment, resources and history, and transforms it into product. It is considered that the organization is comprised of four key elements, and the main thrust is based on the adaptation of these elements together, and their degree of congruence. The more consistent is an organization, more effective result.
The congruence model of Nadler and Tushmanha a different approach than the previous because it purports to look at the factors that influence the success of the process of change within organizations. It suggests, in fact, helping us understand the dynamics of what happens in an organization when we try to change it.
The model is based on the belief that organizations can be seen as sets made up of sub-systems that interact with each other by changing the external environment. He uses, therefore, the metaphor of the organism to understand organizational behavior. The scenario “political” is not ignored, but it appears as one of the sub-systems (informal organization).
Superior Slate Quarry sees it as a system that draws information from sources inside and outside and transforms them into outputs (activity, behavior and system performance at three levels: individual, group and total).
The heart of the model is the opportunity it offers to analyze the transformation process for Superior Slate Quarry in a way that does not give answers but, rather, stimulates thoughts about what should happen in a specific organizational context. The template matching is based on:
Informal organization
Formal organization
The most obvious benefits of this model for Superior Slate Quarry are:
the fact that it is easy to follow
imposed that the discussion on what is “formal” and what is “informal”
the fact that each box has to be congruent with the other
The limits, however, are the following:
focus on some elements can lead to losing track of other
Star Model
The model of the star A, Developed by Professor Jay Galbraith, is a framework of practices involving light the five elements (strategy, structure, processes, people and incentive systems) that play a role in any change in the culture of an organization. Our presentation focuses of these five elements and their role in sustainable development planning of Superior Slate Quarry business.
Strategy: Sets the orientation of organization in the form of goals, goals, values ??and / or missions. The strategy guides the decision-making and defines the criteria for then selects a structure organizational. E.g.: Statements mission and future prospects.
Structure: Determines which lies decision-making power within the organization. E.g.: Creation a management position responsible for CSR.
Process: Circulation and horizontal vertical information within the structure of the organization. The process defines the mode of operation the organization through a specific ...