Knowledge Management Tool

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Knowledge Management Tool

Structured Abstract

This paper will evaluate a suitable knowledge management system for providing strategic and competitive information about customer preferences. The system that will be implemented in order to increase the efficiency of the organisation is Enterprise Resource Planning system. This system will integrate all modules of the organisation and come up with a system that would help the company in creating a competitive advantage. ERP as a business management thinking, it is a new management model; and as a management tool, it is also a set of advanced computer management system. ERP application will sum up all existing software modules which will integrate numerous significant undertakings in an organization. It is management's key responsibility to motivate and appreciate employees, making a proper scope, manage the change, and find excellent resources for a successful SAP implementation. When all key players have been plugged into the implementation process, a robust ERP will be produced, thereby providing a certain advantage within the industry. The major advantage of ERP system is to advance the performances of associations in designing of assets, command of procedures, and command of management. The main context of the study is to understand the evaluation of the ERP to achieve better adaption the idiosyncrasies of each company. This is achieved through the configuration or parameterization of the processes according to the outputs that are needed for each implementation. For example, for tracking inventory, a company may need to handle batch and lot numbers for each item, which might not be required for another company. The main need of the research evaluates a suitable knowledge management system for providing strategic and competitive information about customer preferences.

Knowledge Management Tool


Knowledge is a resource that is becoming an area with huge potential to change the world due to advances in new information technologies. In the economic environment in which we find ourselves, knowledge is an essential for the information economy and involves the creation of tools that allow proper management of this knowledge. In this context is critical to develop the business skills to acquire information, transform it into knowledge, incorporate the company as learning to share and implement it quickly. This is very important because there is a correlation between knowledge management and business success, including knowledge management and adaptability of the company to changing and challenging environment, where threats can be turned into opportunities (Maie, 2007).

Knowledge management (English Knowledge Management) is a concept applied in organizations. One have to transfer the knowledge from the place where it is generated to the place where it's going to be used (BA Fuentes, 2010), and involves the development of skills needed within organizations to share and use between its members and to value it and assimilate it if you are outside these.

A particular topic of knowledge management is that knowledge cannot be encoded easily in a digital, as the intuition of key individuals that comes with years of experience and to recognize the various patterns of behavior that someone ...
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