Knowledge Management

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Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management


Knowledge Society, an expression which is complemented by the information age, such as titles they want to emphasize the great changes in social transformation of the twentieth century. This type of society is characterized by a structure of economic and social, in which knowledge has replaced labor, raw materials and capital as the most important source of productivity, growth and social inequalities (STEHR, 2001, pp. 495-509).

It is a term used to describe social change in societies modern. Is the change in the mode of social production given the growing importance of information or knowledge to the processes socio - economic? Information and knowledge become the most important factors for the concept of knowledge society, as they are the basis for the creation of this term that has become the most significant element in today's society. It is considered one of the new phases of modern society is based on science, technology and innovation that occur as a series of interactions among some sectors of the society as the government, universities and businesses, thus boosting the economic and social development (Davis and Didier, 2007, pp. 88-103).


Impact of Knowledge Society on Social capital

The knowledge society lives because of innovation, change is in continuous movement. The innovations that will produce science and technology but primarily affect the type of work, organization of groups, therefore an impact as changes in the model axiological and all will eventually affect society. This is because of the fact that scientific and technological changes bring changes in the ideas, values of man, society, and the religion (Davis and Didier, 2007, pp. 88-103).

Since this society lives to innovate and entails continuous changes in valuation and organization will be the need to make assumptions about the organization, the political and values axiological. These principles should be an orientation for new creations. In this new situation every action requires a project otherwise would lack direction and therefore chaotic (STEHR, 2001, pp. 495-509).

So our society has been called to have to leave the comfort and security of not having to consider goals and objectives for each action proper static societies. In these God has established what should be done either directly or through what the nature of things. The groups are forced to learn continuously, are forced to continually adapt to new problems, new perspectives and new solutions. They have to learn continuously and quickly. This change affects all walks of life entails having to live only in the certainty that you or the group created. The society that lives by building knowledge is based on creativity, and this generates standardized des individuals and groups, individual and therefore cannot be homogeneous and uniform. It will have projects diverse organizations different, with a plurality of interests and goals (Davis and Didier, 2007, pp. 88-103).

Accepting that knowledge cannot be fixed today as we live to innovate could be the possibility to set values and interpretations germ of reality that these values hold. But the history of the twentieth century tells us that ...
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