Knowledge Management

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Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management


The new corporate tradition has swept the world around. There are businesses that purely targets customer satisfaction. This tradition of the corporations welcome strict management and measurement processes. Now corporate managers and leaders often have to take critical steps which are not viewed as favorable to the workforce and require pure knowledge management. However, there are processes which deteriorate the motivation of the workforce and also affect their performance. The environment of the contemporary corporations is followed by the targets set by the top management which are to be achieved by the workers. Hence, strict and shrewd management is often observed (Beckett, 2000, 311-319).

However, sirs there are some theories in knowledge management which are crucial and help the employees to a great extent. The philosophy of empiricism, skepticism and causality are the different theories of philosophy that can contribute to improve the management and leadership process of the corporations. Empiricism is a theory philosophy that emphasizes on the role of experience, linked to the perception of sensory training in knowledge. For the most extreme empiricism, experience is the foundation of all knowledge, not only in terms of origin but also in terms of content. The world is sensible to form concepts and how sensitive they are in their justification and limitation. Empiricism, under that name, emerged in the modern age as ripe fruit of a philosophical trend that develops especially in the United Kingdom from the late middle ages. Today the opposition empiricism-rationalism, and the analytic-synthetic distinction is often not understood in a categorical way, as it was in earlier times, and rather one or another position due to methodological issues and heuristics or attitudes toward life rather than fundamental philosophical principles (William , 1992, 713-740).

Despite skepticism involves the use of scientific method and critical thinking, it is not true that the skeptic uses these tools all the time, and who find sufficient evidentiary basis for a belief that they own even without the use of these tools. The empiricism, skepticism and casualty are the three tools suggested by epistemology that can be used by corporation managers and leaders to ensure effective assessment procedures. There are several critical decisions that can be encountered by the leaders and managers of the corporations. These philosophical beliefs assist the betterment of the decision making process as these theories can be implemented in the process to serve as the tools to assess the available options and selection of the suitable decision (William, 1992, 713-740).


Knowledge Management

Sir the very basic thing that we learned is that knowledge management is the process of creating the conditions for the identification, conservation and efficient use of knowledge and information in the organization and its environment. Knowledge management strategy aimed at providing the necessary knowledge in time to those members of the organization and the environment in which these skills are needed in order to improve the effectiveness of the organization. Moreover, knowledge management can be said that it is a process in which we consciously creating, structuring, ...
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