Knowledge Management

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Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management


Knowledge management is, ultimately, the management of intangible assets that create value for the organization. Most of these intangibles are concerned with processes related one way or another with the uptake, structure and knowledge transfer. The scope of this level of knowledge is the embryo all of these levels there long, but for the full development they should have been claimed. Social order as they appeared quite recently. In addition, there must be the hardware and software base that has arisen only in recent years. It must be admitted that the desire to find a more "intellectual" work for the computers are not so new(Coffey, 1996, 151).

Literature Review

Knowledge Management and Information Technology

Effective use of information technology to communicate knowledge requires an organization to share a common perspective from where the information can be analyzed. The more that communicators share similar knowledge, background and experience, the more effectively knowledge can be communicated via electronically mediated channels. At one extreme, the dissemination of explicit, factual knowledge within a workplace that possess a high level of shared contextual knowledge can be accomplished through access to a central center of data. However, when a common perspective is not present, or the knowledge exchanged is less explicit, or the community is loosely tied together, then more interactive modes such as electronic mail or discussion databases are appropriate. When the perspective is not well shared and knowledge is primarily tacit, communication and narrated experience is best supported with the most interactive modes such as video conferencing or face-to-face conversation (Borg, 1989, 16). The large number and variety of the beautiful names of enabling technologies can create a mosaic, picture that resembles the famous Indian parable, in which blind men to touch were trying to determine what an elephant. It might seem intranet and groupware tools, database and data warehouse, data mining and text newsgroups and distance learning systems - all these disparate technologies. In reality the situation is not so: the harmonious progress of technology on the way from "ordinary" computer operations to process data. Analyzing the very concept of KM, we can identify a number of trends in information technology.

Unfortunately, the established practice in this country is very bad translation KM; even the British management in this context cannot be translated as "control” and only in conjunction with the "knowledge", a word that is not quite exactly matches the knowledge, get absurd. True, we have to admit that the English Knowledge Management is not much better, even if the experts agree with this CM. For example, Larry Prusak said, "cannot manage knowledge, we can only manage the environment in which the knowledge created and used." What we today call knowledge management, was born fifteen years ago as a new direction in management. Initially, the CM had nothing to do with information technology. The initial goal was to create guidelines and techniques for optimal use of intellectual potential of employees (Awad, 2010, 13).

Knowledge has been recognized as an economic category, and a short ...
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