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City Profile: Karachi

City Profile: Karachi


Karachi is a heart of Pakistan carrying multi cultural values from all over the subcontinent and the economical hub, finance generator of Pakistan, generating 68% of revenue for Pakistan. Sudden and rapid growth of problems are taking place in the city due to which citizens from all walks of life are suffering, from business men to school children and students. Main cause of sudden growth may be the result of political rifts and differences amongst the political parties due to which citizens are largely suffering (Forstall et al., 2004).

Newly Elected Mayor of Karachi

Syed Mustafa Kamal, the Mayor of Karachi, born in Karachi on December 27, 1971 is the true representative of the working class of Pakistan. He became the Mayor of Karachi, largest city of Pakistan in October, 2005 (City Mayors, 2009). Following are the issues and problems faced by the newly elected Mayor of Karachi and the prospected solutions and suggestions.

Electricity Shortage

A core issue of Karachi is the lack of electricity, which is mostly an artificial crisis increasing the problems of the citizens and frustrating them. Karachi being an economical hub with thousands of industries and factories, traders and businessmen all over the city is suffering due to the lack of electricity as load shedding is being done during working hours due to which the economy of city is getting down rapidly. Persons responsible for the artificial load shedding should know that Karachi is earning 68% of the total revenue of Pakistan. Enmity with Karachi is enmity with Pakistan and its economy.

Not only traders and business man are suffering but citizens from all walks of life are suffering due to artificial load shedding especially students.

These days there are examinations of all boards underway including Intermediate, Post and Pre Graduate and students are suffering from long lasting load shedding and their studies and examination preparations are suffering greatly. Besides all these prominent problems due to load shedding there are many domestic problems occurring which are becoming the cause of mental torture for citizens which is increasing the frustration among the citizens. In this extremely hot weather, lack of electricity is increasing. The lack of water and water supply in domestic and industrial areas is being affected, further increasing the problems of city and citizens.

The related officials are being silent and careless, with regards to the artificial crisis. It is a clear indication that this artificial crisis has some reason and might be a part of political feud from which citizens are suffering (Jang, 2009).

In this regard, City council, and City Mayor extended their hands towards KESC (Karachi Electric Supply Corporation) and offered them that they are ready to cooperate on any thing for the solution of the crisis but KESC officials did not respond to the offer, may be due to political pressures (Dawn, 2008).

However, the Mayor should not forget this largest and ever occurring problem of the residents of Karachi and he should communicate the issue to the PESCO (Pakistan Electric Supply Corporation) to sort ...
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