Journal Article Review

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Journal Article Review

Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy


Prayer and Scripture can not be used ethically and effectively Christian CBT, especially when explicit integration in the therapy room is appropriate, with clients who have given their consent for such an approach to take. Christian therapists may practice in this training module focuses on the Christian Christ biblicallybased, and so filled with the Spirit. As Dallas Willard (1990) wrote:

Many counselors today are learning that their own work, deep immersion in the disciplines is necessary, both to develop their own character, and beyond, access to special powers of grace their job to advise people.( Backus 1980) I think the most important and strongest is to begin to integrate prayer and spiritual education in the therapeutic process, because it seems appropriate.(Bishop 2004)We can observe that the effects of prayer and spiritual understanding are, and advise customers on how they can use the Scripture, how can they worship, and so more useful for them. (P. 19).

This article discusses the proper use and ethics of prayer, including prayer, inner healing, and Scripture in a Christian approach to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT now includes expanded Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, Acceptance and commitment therapy and dialectical behavior therapy. Implicit and explicit integration in the treatment are briefly described. A composite clinical case example is included to illustrate how prayer and the Scripture can not be used explicitly in the results of studies Christian CBT efficacy results of CBT religious orientation are also briefly discussed.

Cogntive-behavioral healing (CBT) is one of the most empirically supported treatments (ESTs) available for a wide variety of psychological disorders. (Backus 1980)It should be noted however that more recent randomized placebo-controlled cons of behavioral activation, cognitive therapy and antidepressants (paroxetine) with 241 adult patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) has found that ...
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