Joe Salatino: President Of Great Northern American Case Study

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Joe Salatino: President of Great Northern American Case Study

Joe Salatino: President of Great Northern American Case Study

Discuss how Joe could address the importance of understanding how people form perceptions and make attributions about others with his employees.

With Sales Force Effectiveness, Joe Salatino's goal is to make sure that his sales force supports his strategic business objective. Joe's customer perception analysis methodology reaches beyond traditional customer satisfaction measurements. He believes that his customer service is excellent. Joe believes that improving customer service can occur when organizations review certain business strategies. In my opinion, the six following strategies can help Joe in improving customer service of The Great Northern American:

Integration into the overall planning of the company:

The amount and nature of the requirements of the customer service is directly related to the activities of several other functions. Great Northern American must incorporate the requirements of customer service in all aspects of corporate activities, such as product design, purchasing, production, handling, pricing, communication, and culture. This would help organization preparing better for the demands of customer service.

Change of attitude to customer service:

Despite being a critical activity, the role of customer service does not generate the same respect and enthusiasm that several other functions in the Great Northern American. The attitude of this organization to this service is purely a reflection of his attitude towards its customers. Management must act as an example for the respect of clients and service offered to him for the rest of the employees are not.

Integration with marketing:

Customers are an important resource for marketing. They are the most credible ambassadors of the brand; their letter of recommendation is much more effective than all other marketing activities that can be implemented. Given its importance in marketing, marketing organizations should be solely responsible for customer service (Krohn, Massey and Akers, 2005).

Set aside the profit centre approach:

Many organizations are trying to make a profit in customer service. In a profit centre approach, the income-generating activities such as sales of maintenance contracts, spare parts and the cost of expensive service calls become more important than the business objectives. Sales to small profit margins are usually the reason for the profit centre approach, trying to increase profit by customer service.

Adoption of a policy of retention price:

The price of any product or service should include the cost of acquisition and retention costs, including the cost of service. The elimination of cost of service and the cost of retention to make the sale price more attractive would only put pressure to force the company to recover the margin lost by subsequent transactions.

Manage expectations:

Customers have expectations of services that are explicit and implicit. Expectations are formed by explicit promises made at the time of purchase. Joe has complete control of the expectations explicit. For cons, the implicit expectations that are formed by the customer perception of brand image, reputation and price premium to pay for such a mark, are much more difficult to measure and manage (Bandura, 2009).

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