Job Study And Its Impact

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Job Study and Its Impact

Job Study and Its Impact

(1) Understanding the importance of job analysis, job design and written job descriptions.

The importance of Job analysis is that it facilitate in setting up the organizational structure and the organization chart. Categorization of the jobs relation of each job with one another and different positions and chain of commands of the positions is determined. It makes available the qualitative characteristic of the jobs in the organization. It established the demands of job in terms of tasks to be completed, education of individual skills essential in the employee. It is an instrument which is used for identical job with men. Job Analysis can be used in compensation to identify the compensable job factors, responsibilities, skill levels, work environment and required level of education. Job analysis gives the risk factor related to particular job and thus action required for the protection of the human resources can be taken. Insecure procedure can be eliminated or can be replaced by safe one or the safety equipments can be put in.

A good job design engages the worker and eliminates individual and organizational risk. It leads to greater organizational efficiency and effectiveness and good results from employees. The main benefit from job designing leads you to the high level of job satisfaction, increased efficiency and productivity, skillful, flexible, receptive and talented personnel to achieve work requirements, Improved talent management and succession planning, Safer and healthier workplace for employees, enhanced employee appeal, employee retention and employee engagement, better clarity of work role, different work and challenging tasks, opportunity to expand work related expertise, increase experience and flexibility (Buchanan, 1979).

Written job descriptions are a road map for employees which guide them how to achieve your job related goals. It further describes that what organization actually wants from them and in return what organization is giving to them.

According to the case discussed, the Dirt Finder Company has not defined the respective roles to their employees. So, if there is no proper job description is given to me then I will not be able to perform any work perfectly and it will ultimately affect on my career growth, I would not be satisfied with my job because if company assigns me any task which is not according to my field or my area of interest than probably I will not be able to achieve it successfully.

(2) Explaining what is involved in each of these job study areas.

Job Analysis is a method to determine and identify in detail the particular job duties and requirements and the relative significance of these responsibility for a given job. Job Analysis is a process where judgments are made about information gather on a job. The important point of job analysis is that it analyzes the job only not the candidate for the required job. The main theme of job analysis is to develop a document which tells you the function of the job, what skills are required for that particular job and if you didn't have ...
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