Job Recruitment Tools

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Job Recruitment Tools

Job Recruitment Tools


This paper explores different selection tools/methods for the hiring program at a supermarket (butcher). Additionally, this paper seeks to examine the advantages of the best selected tool that is suitable for the hiring program at super market. The paper also analyzes the interview and selection plan for the position. Therefore a list of interview questions is also presented along with the suitable interviewing method. Supermarkets require employees with a number of skills. A produce worker, for instance, must do more than unload tomatoes. He must have expertise pertaining to fruit seasonality, preparing okra and the best methods for chopping jicama. The staffing department of a grocery store recognizes these intricacies involved with finding cashiers, meat counter workers and bakery workers. As such, they use several selection tools for the hiring process. Specifically, this paper provides the selection and interviewing methods for a butcher supermarket.

Selection Tools for Hiring Program

Some supermarkets use aptitude tests to gain a baseline understanding of a candidate's knowledge in a certain field. A meat department position, for instance, may test the employee's knowledge of meat storage, equipment handling and preparation of meat dishes. Some grocery stores forgo such aptitude tests, but will require the worker to possess a food service worker card (Day, 2010). To get this state-issued license, the applicant must pass an exam related to proper storing temperatures and safe food preparation techniques. The hiring process may consist of an initial trial period in which the candidate works in the position first.

Other selection tool/method used is Personality tests. It assess how well the worker will "fit" with the other employees based on factors including likability, reaction to ethical dilemmas, willingness to take initiative and other qualitative factors. Moral rectitude is especially critical for cashier workers and supermarket employees who handle money.

Best Selection Tool

I feel that the best selection tool for the supermarket position would be the criminal background check. The advantage of using this tool is that there should be a record somewhere in the system if this person has done anything wrong in their adult life. The reference check might be a somewhat less reliable tool because the candidate would leave off past employers that might have provided negative information, thus preventing future employers from considering the prospective candidate (McDaniel, 2011).

The behavioral analysis is a good tool but might prove to be somewhat unreliable if the candidate wasn't honest or faked some of the responses during the tests. While each selection tool mentioned has some disadvantages, the advantages of combining them for the hiring process outweigh the disadvantages. I think a combination of these tools and then, if warranted, an interview process would be ideal in helping to select the right person for the job.

Advantages of Selected Tool

The first selection tool I would use is a criminal background check. As this is one of the main selection tools used today by the Fortune 100 companies along with employment and education verification, drug screening and reference ...
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