Job Quality

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Trends and outcomes in Job Quality within two sectors

Trends and outcomes in Job Quality within two sectors


The employee is a bio-psychosocial being who lives 24 hours a day exchanging with the environment, work 8 hours and shares about 16 hours with your family, it must be viewed in a holistic manner in the family, the organization and as an important element the environment

In the workplace the employee carries out its activity, is related to its subject matter, the instruments of production, job, work area, respiratory tract and elements of the physical or natural environment involved in the production process , among which are the risk factors are harmful and dangerous, which can alter your health and cause diseases related to their work.

The activity characterizes the worker in the process of interaction with the object. Nexus is a living organism with its environment, establishes, regulates and monitors mediate the relationship between subject and environment. The activity is stimulated by necessity, is oriented toward the object that satisfies and is done through a system of actions. It is the driving force behind the development of the psyche and is a unique characteristic of man. 7.8 The specific peculiarity is that it encourages the conscious transformation of the medium. Human activity has a social character and is determined by the social conditions of life.

The object of work reveals the relationship established with their microenvironment worker working for a particular purpose, based on experience and as part of their practical activity. The object represents the contents of the target activity and the aim pursued. The instruments of production are combined all the parts properly to perform their work.

For man to develop quality work, you must meet certain subjective and objective factors or external factors, which make up the reality outside the subject and are directly accessible to sense organs, is the world outside the individual in the organization, are material in nature and are determined by internal factors, law, and so on.

If an organization was closed half did not receive inputs from abroad, there would be problems, but reality tells us that it is an open system, the way they work depends on effective assessment of the environment that surrounds it


It can therefore be seen as a microenvironment, i.e. an open subset, limited in space and time, comprising:

•The workers.

•Workstations: A particular area equipped with the necessary technical means, basic equipment ancillary tech accessories organizational means for securing favorable conditions of work, which carries out the activity of the worker or group of workers a task, production or service together.

•The work area: The space that includes up to 2 m above the floor level or platform where the worker is permanently or temporarily.

•Respiratory tract: an area within a radius of 50 cm from the worker's face.

•The activities. The set of operations or tasks performed by workers to perform their job duties, in connection with paid or volunteer as well as by young people as ...
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