It-Related Ethical Issues

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IT-related Ethical Issues

IT-related Ethical Issues


The evolution of human knowledge has become a hot topic for executives and organizations whether public or private. The inquiries in this regard are made regarding aspects, requirements, methods, standards, policies, controls, and ethics. This motivates managers to seek new information security expertise and implement mechanisms for managing increasingly complex and flexible, in order to protect the greater good, information.

The increasing use of information technology in organizations has expanded the ability to acquire, manipulate, and pass information through the systems. It is very easy to attack computer systems, since the Information Systems are connected via networks, which can happen in loss confidentiality, and information falling into the hands of the competition, loss of integrity, when corrupted or erased, and loss of availability cannot be more accessible.

Confidentiality is assured that all information should be protected with degree of secrecy, accessible only to authorized persons. Integrity is designed to protect your information against unauthorized changes, intentional or accidental (Aleassa, 2009). The availability guarantees that all information and assets are available and will only be accessed by authorized users when they need them for any purpose. However, when information is improperly disclosed breaking the rules, which are, cases involving ethical decisions are very difficult and complex, there is almost always a better decision can be identified and taken. IT raises ethical issues in the areas of crime, privacy, individuality, loss of a job, health, working conditions, friendship, values ??and client.


In regards to such conceptualization, there are ethical models of humans apply their ethical philosophy chosen the decisions and choices they need to do every day at work and in other areas of your life (Lu-Ping Liu, 2003). One theory focuses on decision-making process of individuals and emphasizes how various factors or our perceptions of these factors affect the process of ethical decision-making.

This work intends to make an analysis of privacy from the viewpoint of software. The first step is to observe what has changed in recent years, the relationship between Internet and privacy, whereas the great change agent this time was the computer program. Software piracy is the unauthorized reproduction or manufacturing, misuse of computer programs or legally protected using copies of the same program on multiple computers (Lu-Ping Liu, 2003). Software piracy occurs in several ways. Among them may be noted, besides the copies irregular, counterfeit, illegal channels of distribution, preinstalled software, Internet piracy, and overuse of client-server.

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