It For Business

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IT for Business

IT for Business


The study relates to the shoe industry, which has been discussed in context of information technology. The contemporary phenomenon of information technology has very radically changed the daily lives and activities of businesses and individuals throughout the world. Information technology sole driver is the microchip which is indebted to semiconductor for its existence. IT solutions have been implemented from computer software and personal computers to communication technology to production robotics. Therefore, successfully leveraging this technology is the key to survive and win in this modern business world. The concept of information technology usage has seeped in the business world and is now affecting the way companies make and market their services and products as well as influence the way in which people in an organization communicate to accomplish their jobs. Specially tailored softwares now set the best practices in an industry.

The preferred choice of business is the shoe industry, especially the retail shoe industry. Thus, information technology is a necessary partner in any business regardless of its type or size. Information technology and computer applications no doubt has made the business functioning more efficient and accurate by managing storage of data, retrieval, transfer or transmission of data very effortless (Richard, n.d, p.1).

One of the biggest barriers for most organizations is still a lack of understanding about the state of the organization (the data) and what to do with them (set binding elements). Understanding the relationship between information technologies that manipulate the data and telecommunications networks, placed here as links, it becomes a deciding factor for most organizations because these two entities represent the supports necessary for development strategies and survival of the business and the organization itself.


Various database alternatives and intelligent information systems are vey vigorously establishing a filed in the computer sciences. All the major research is focused in developing applications of advanced intelligent technologies that would augment the methods of data processing and storing in a widespread context, which would also involve solutions to problems and issues which necessarily require the use of intelligent technologies to achieve effectual results (Nguyen, n.d, p.1).

An organization is a group of people and other resources established to accomplish a set of goals. Consequently, an organization is also a system, because it involves many resources (financial, material, equipment, people, etc.) and data that are in a constant process of transformation. The result of processing the data, which involves knowledge in their selection, organization and manipulation, will receive name information. Technology can be defined as the combination of processing resources (hardware, software, databases, etc.), communications, people and procedures, all arranged so as to obtain information that the final product meets the organization's goals. Finally, we define an Information System as a set of interrelated elements that collect, manipulate, and disseminate information and provide a response to the call of a goal. The term Information System (IS) is often used to refer to applications of information technologies and telecommunications that facilitate the exchange of information and automation of processes ...
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