Internet As A Global It Platform For Business Internationally

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Internet as a global IT platform for business internationally


This paper aims at highlighting how the internet is a global platform for doing business, however doing business on the internet requires having the right kind of online presence that not just attracts customers but also retains them, in this paper four articles related to the article have been assessed in order to thoroughly understand how companies can take advantage of the global IT platform, and make their business a more effective one.Internet as a global IT platform for business internationally


The purpose for this paper is to prove that the internet is an IT platform for doing business internationally, in order to justify this point we will assess four articles on the subject and finally present our conclusion regarding the topic based on the findings from the articles.


Articles number 1

Reference Information: Blum, J. (2012).Tech Tools That Make Doing Business Internationally Easy, Online source accessed on November, 27th, 2012, Data Retrieved from:

Purpose of study

To understand how the application of modernized tools can help improve doing business online, and how certain issues existent in IT business can be eradicated by using effective methodologies.

Sampling Comments

E-logistics ensures effective distribution is done through the routing optimization with inventory tracking and tracking information, in international trade and distribution the usage of computerization is taking over the business processes and every other aspect of business, based on a majority of advantages provided by IT many logistics providers are focusing on handling majority of their transactions online, exporters are also using IT for a variety of business activities from e- procurement to the transportation of goods. Companies now need to be more concerned and need to take a closer look at how their business performs logistically on certain chokepoints and assess how they can reduce the overall effect of threats in any particular location.


There are many technologies that can drastically help a small company improve their logistics the effective implementation of electronic shipping methods and electronic payments. There are numerous tools that have helped improve logistics drastically it is important to select those that are the most beneficial in terms of effectively ensuring the safe transportation and timely provision of goods.

Main points

Logistics can be significantly improved by application of international shipping tools for instance TradeAbilitythat can help estimate costs and trade restrictions. Transfer of money is another important element that can be improved by using services that ensure effective transfer of money.


Many people consider making improvements on logistics a costly procedure, whereas there are a number of cost effective measures that can be adopted to make the overall process an effective one .Making sure that shipments are done on time and effectively there are a number of services that can be opted for like FedEx and UPS, making payments has also been considered another issue that needs to be effectively tackled for that very purpose more sophisticated payment methods like paypal can help reach numerous countries worldwide. Hence it is apparent that using the right tools can enhance on ...
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