Issue Of Dating Violence

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Issue of Dating Violence against Women

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Issue of Dating Violence against Young Women


Dating violence against young women also referred to teen intimate partner violence that can be defined as an act of violence by a person who desires to be in intimate nature or social romantic relationship with the victim. It occurs in both same and opposite relationship, between sometimes cohabitating and non-cohabiting partners. This sort of violence usually occur during the age of 11 to 14 years and includes physical abuse (Physical intimidation - throwing objects or blocking door, slapping, grabbing, pinching, hitting and shoving), emotional abuse (isolation from family or friends, withdrawal of attention, overdependence, possessiveness, threats, accusations, humiliation, rumors, or insults), and sexual abuse (rape, forced sexual activities and even unwanted touch).

In the United States, there is a highest rate of dating violence against teens and young women. In verity, one out of 10 in young women who were in high-schools accounted that during the past year they have been a victim of physically abused by dating partner. In 2001, a national longitudinal study of adolescent teen dating violence was conducted by Halpern et. al, (2001, pp.1679-1685) accounted that physical violence and emotional abuse is reported to be 12 percent in a relationship over the past 18 months. According to Liz Clairborne, Inc/Teen Research Unlimited (2008) in a relationship, one out of four means 25 percent young women become victim of dating abuse are harassed or spread rumors via mobile phone or internet, while 62 percent were abused verbally.


The above figures and statistics have clearly shown that the rates of dating violence are increasing at a rapid rate with an adverse affect on young women. This necessitates the introduction of interventions to prohibit dating violence against young women. However, before discussing interventions it is essential to explain what factors contribute in giving boost to violence against young women.

Power equals laws, procedures and regulations in social care can be referred to disempowering individuals. Power is not worked out in institutions or procedures, but in relationships. The model of Personal, Cultural and Structural is proposed by Neil Thompson, which illustrates how these three factors play a vital role in developing people psychology. Violence is usually prompt in the offenders' consciousness due to three factors which are personal, cultural and structural.

Personal factors are usually apprehensive with views of individual, predominantly in the case of violence against young women. For instance, this might relate to a young individual who on a date try to make sexual relations in a forceful manner or makes gender biased or sexual comments. It is merely associated to actions of individual based personal factors such as age, low level of income, lack of education, substance use and personality disorder that give boost to violence against young women, as all these factors in collaboration creates gender inequality (Foshee, et. al, 2004, pp.619-625). This gender inequality leads to intimate partner (young women) violence on date. In spite of US ...
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