Fault Line

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Fault Line by Janet Tashjian

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Fault Line by Janet Tashjian

About the Author

Janet Tashjian was born in 1956. She is an author who is interested in resolving and identifying teenager boys and girls issue. She is an American writer and wrote books targeting young adults.

Author's Motivation

The book “Fault Line” written by Janet Tashjian is pointing the sexual abuse in teenage. Teenagers are at jeopardy for dating violence (Cise, 1988). Every 1 in 3 high school relationship teenager gets abused. 95% in relationship men abuse women (McKeon, Bethea, Smith, Coker, 2000). She found this issue serious and wrote this book.


The book Fault Line revolves around three characters Becky Martin, Abby, and Kip Costello. All character lives in San Francisco. They all work as comedian. Becky and Abby are high-school teenagers. Becky and Abby is raunchy Comedian. Kip Costello is also cute, hilarious, handsome and aspiring comedian.

The story of the book starts highlighting Becky Martin who is seventeen years a standup comedian. She has two loving parents. She is honest with her work and performs from her heart. Abby is her best friend and both work in the same stage. Becky wants to make the world laugh. Both friends work on the comic scene. They spend enough time to create writings for the comedian club. Abby boyfriend comes and goes like anything. Becky was not like that at all. Both become growing star. Becky seemed to be an outstanding student and organize school work skillfully. She worked hard in her comedian career. Her greatest weakness as a comedian performer, in her own view, is her incapability to trust her own gut feeling. She ultimately learns that this capability is important on stage and in life.

On an occasion, Becky met Kip Costello. Kip is confident, handsome, ...
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