Great Rift Valley is a geological fault passing west Asia and east Africa, from southern Turkey to the north across the Levant, the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, to Kenya in the south.
B: The Formation of Fault Lines
The Arabian Peninsula is geologically a part of the African continent, but the fissure separating the Red Sea.
Section 2: Internal Processes of the Rift Valley
A: Terrestrial magnetism
Tectonics is that part of geology that studies the nature and causes of deformation of rock units, more specifically in this case, deformations, large scale, the Earth's lithosphere.
B: The divergent boundaries
There is concentration of heat in an area where the heated material expands, which explains the rising corresponding to the oceanic ridge.
C: The convergent boundaries
If the surface of the earth is a finite space, the fact that the plates grow at divergent boundaries implies that it will destroy the lithosphere elsewhere to maintain a constant surface.
D: The Boundaries Transform
Transform boundaries correspond to major fractures that affect the entire thickness of the lithosphere, is used more often the term transform fault. They are most often but not exclusively, in the oceanic lithosphere.
Section 3: Preliminaries To Erosion: Weathering And Mass Wasting
A: Weathering
The processes of weathering affect the organic materials more them on the rocks, so the remains of animals and plants cannot be saved - from weathering - easily in the rock record
B: Mass wasting
The shaping of stream valleys is due to a combination of erosion by flowing water and mass wasting, the spontaneous movement of Earth material down a slope in response to gravity.
The Rift Valley
Africa's Great Rift Valley is a 6,000-mile crack (fissure) in the earth's crust, stretching from Lebanon to Mozambique. One of its most dramatic sections slices through East Africa, dividing Kenya into two segments. Geologists know that the Rift Valley was formed by violent subterranean forces that tore apart the earth's crust. These forces caused huge chunks of the crust to sink between parallel fault lines and force up molten rock in volcanic eruptions. Evidence that this process, called rifting, is still in progress comes from the many active and semi-active volcanoes, located along the Rift. Evidence of volcanic activity along the rift is provided by the presence of numerous boiling hot springs.
Section 1: Landforms in the Rift Valley
Map 1 : Land forms in the Rift Valley
A: Geology of the Great Rift Valley
Great Rift Valley is a geological fault passing west Asia and east Africa, from southern Turkey to the north across the Levant, the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, to Kenya in the south. Kenya's rift separated into two wings to arrive in Zimbabwe in southern Africa. And also referred to the rift names: "Great Rift Valley," "the great African Groove", "fracture of the great African", "African rift" and other names. Along the fault more than 6000 km and varies in width between 7 and 20 km. The height of slot 1170 meters above sea level ...