Is Your Company Ready For One To One Marketing?

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Is Your Company Ready for One to One Marketing?

Is Your Company Ready for One to One Marketing?


Digital printing is a key tool in Customer Relations Management. Direct mailing with personalized cover letter was yesterday. The marketing world knows the "one-to-one" approach since the early 90s. The concepts for the individual and interactive customer approach taken by the Americans, Peppers & Rogers, McKenna and Pine, at the German contributions to relationship marketing are the work of Diller and Kusterer mentioned. The Internet is like no other medium that allows personal communication with the mass market and thus opens the gate for the customization and personalization.


Ecommerce with digital printing

Like no other medium? Since one should not underestimate the current possibilities of digital printing. The Customer Relations Management (CRM) is currently one of the most used terms in e-commerce. It lends itself to formally transfer this approach to the print and its new technical possibilities. (Peppers, D. & Rogers, M. 1996)

According to Peppers & Rogers one-to-one marketing is divided into four phases:

Know your customers in person and addressed (gather information)

Classify them (process information and adapt profiles) on the value and needs

Interact with them more time-and cost-effective (Recommendation)

Personalize the offer of your company (customization)

The term "customization" is a dynamically assembled printed matter, the content of the interest profile and the implicit data. "Customization" is the framework in which the recommended content is displayed. Analog to personalize a Web page can also be described for a variety of printed matter levels of customization:

Adaptation of the viewer interfaces, such as changing the background color, recipient-related selection of picture elements, etc. Adaptation of the editorial response, such as personal address, varying the introductory text, depending on the user's field of interest Adjustment of the transaction process, such as a pre-printed card with all personal order data, Adaptation of the editorial content of other means of communication, such as personalized e-mail, individual newsletters (also possible in print!), Etc

One expands the individual customization of information and presentation of the services offered on the offer, i.e. on the product or service, we come to Mass Customization. The individualization of the offer means to product quality, an imprint, product quality or price. As part of a process-oriented mass production, the customer can determine the color or the presentation itself. (Peppers, D. & Rogers, M. 1996)

The somewhat dubious Coronation of the 1:1 approach is to offer different people different prices for the same product. In the argot of the sutlers read the individual as customer satisfaction and the absorption of the highest consumer surplus. The following practical example clearly shows possible role of digital printing in addition to the Internet in e-commerce. One-to-one marketing increases response rates by up to 300%

The Institute of Information Systems at the International School of Management in Dortmund, a pilot study with Stadtwerke Dusseldorf on the effectiveness of various direct marketing campaigns carried out. To a conventional mailing was compared to a digital printing process produced fully personalized ...
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