“is There A Credit In A Relationship?”

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“Is there a credit in a relationship?”

“Is there a credit in a relationship?”

Relationship Marketing is therefore based on the transaction but no personal involvement in business to customers through relationship building consistent, sustainable and relevant to them.

The various actions and initiatives developed by a company to its various audiences or to a particular audience or segment thereof, directed to ensure their satisfaction over time, by offering services and products tailored to their needs and expectations, including relationship building stable channels of communication and exchange value, in order to ensure a climate of trust, acceptance and providing competitive advantages to prevent leakage to other competitors. (Reinartz, and Kumar, 2002, 86)

Recently, many investigations have been made about services and clients, as this field of relationship management is of great importance. Faced with a highly competitive and volatile environment, utilities and specifically those engaged in professional work need to differentiate their service based on the quality perceived by customers and the interaction that develops between them. This article aims to implement the theoretical review of the literature on relationship marketing and services, and its application to a company of professional consulting services. (Romano, 2001)

However, even today continues to work with the classic mass marketing approach and the 4P's pragmatically developed and widely disseminated in the world. The concept of the marketing mix was introduced by Neil Borden in 1953 at the American Marketing Association for its acronym in English (AMA). Subsequently, some authors tried to facilitate the practical application of the approach and developed checklists of variables influencing the market responses, and which survived as a unique paradigm "the formula of the 4P's of Mc Carthy ( 1960.Since the 80's, many authors, especially in Europe and in particular Sweden, have provided a more holistic and adequate "supply" and are differentiated primarily for organizational marketing activity and services, from transactional marketing and relationship marketing. (Peltier, Schibrowsky, and Davis, 2008, 32)

Good marketing executives to try to build consumer confidence in the long term by maintaining good relations with customers, distributors, dealers and suppliers, through the promise and the fulfillment of providing high quality and offering a good service and reasonable prices to the other party over time.

Previously Relationship marketing was not a topic discussed in the academic world and there was little literature and its management was limited in the specific activity of professional services which according to ...
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