Is Animal Testing Necessary

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Is Animal Testing Necessary

Is Animal Testing Necessary


At the present time, testing of animal is a subject that commonly takes place. A few individuals believe it is required in investigation, In the interim several entities believe it is prohibited to give up animals for knowledge. Even though a number of adversaries do not regard the truth that animals are also utilized in the cooking business. Research Lab animals are kept for knowledge that will assure development in the very discipline, which will ensure that the whole of humanity would benefit from it (Stubblefield, 2009 pp. 5).

In thorough, pharmaceutical, medicinal & beauty businesses and domestic corporations can advance their yields by trying the products on animals, which would result in further consumer contentment through enhanced quality.


Animal Testing is the controlled use of laboratory animals for medical and scientific reasons. Laboratory animals are being used by scientists for the investigation of biological process of animals and humans, for drug testing, surgical and vaccines techniques and to analyze the safety of various chemicals that are being used in cosmetics, pesticides and other products for human being (Hayhurst, (2000) pp. 19).

Animal testing is done for a number of reasons within the medical, scientific and cosmetic industries; the practice of animal testing raises a number of ethical flags, since it causes harm to living things.

Advocates of animal testing argue that medical advances that have occurred over the centuries are thanks to animal research. Treatments for heart disease provides a good example, such as open heart surgery in which machines control the circulatory functions for a limited time to replace the functions of heart and lung or coronary bypass which improves flow of blood to the muscles of heart, and provides the alternate of a inactive heart valve. The equipment and techniques for renal dialysis have also become ...
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