Should Animals Be Used For Scientific Research?

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Should Animals be used for Scientific Research?

Should Animals be used for Scientific Research?


From many years, people are highly dependent on the use of animals for their survival, it is whether for food or for research or company. The more they know about the environment, the more they dependent on animals to get knowledge and research findings. According to the great physician, animals do not contain arteries full of air but they made up of blood. Since many centuries, we as human are using them in laboratories for conducting different scientific researches. These animals include guinea pigs, dogs, farm animals, birds, rabbits, mice, monkeys, rats, cats and many other lower forms which play vital role in biomedical researches.

Animals are being used in different institutions such as laboratories, zoo, hospitals, farming, houses and police department. From ethical point of view, they should not be misused in unethical activities like in zoos. They are the most beautiful creations of God and thus, should be kept in proper way and good care.

Scientific Perspective

Research can be view from different perspectives. Animals are either used for acquiring new knowledge, testing of chemicals, devices or compounds and for teaching exercises for the purpose of security and safety of people. The purpose of involving animals in research and experiments is to improve and protect the welfare and health of people and animals in present and future. Whenever there is a new product or medicine to test, the testing always applied on animals in order to assure that the applied medicine or pharmaceutical product and vaccines are safe for humans or not. Drugs are not introduced or available at stores until and unless they are tested on animals. This is because human biology is very similar to animals to a great extent (Council of International Organizations of Medical Sciences, 1985).

Researches have been conducted on animals in biology and drugs testing. Biology testing is related to those tests which are aimed at obtaining knowledge and discover various parts of human organs by testing animals. How diseases would react to human body and some organs like heart, liver, kidneys and how they function in human body. The purpose of this research is to identify the emerging diseases and the required medical treatment of that disease would react to human body.

Other researches emphasized on identifying new treatments for diseases. This research provides doctors the in dept study of diseases and how would they need to be treated in terms of experimenting various medicines and surgeries and the possible results of that treatment. This also enhances further medical treatments and finding ways of preventing the particular disease on time.

Medical treatments are only cured by proper implication of natural products to make medicines and for that, research must be conducted to make sure the effects of these natural products on particular diseases. For that, animals are capable of creating various useful substances in their milk or blood such as vaccines, hormones and antibiotics that are necessary for identifying various medical treatments ...
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