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Ireland is a peripheral country, small in size, without a large role in the global economy and with little geopolitical importance. To this we must add that it acquired its independence from Britain in 1921, which preserved and reproduced much of its social, political and administrative, while he still depended on economic and strategic for many decades yet (McKeown, 2006).

Traditionally it is been considered decisive influence socio-economic changes in the political system, especially as they have greater significance. The change in the political system, in turn, is meant to induce the transformation of all subsystems that comprise it. Consequently, a deep socio-economic change should entail a change of its components and significant actors, visible and identifiable as the subsystem of parties and political parties themselves (Considine & Dukelow, 2009).

The process of independence of the Irish State involved a formidable alliance between nationalism and the Catholic Church Fenian. Nationalism made available to political structures of society as fully empowered and political movements are very active, but with the inconsistency presented as mass parties, being in fact remarkable. The Church paid all its institutional apparatus and proceeded to engage as a parastatal of the services related to education benefits, health and welfare, and replaced the state in providing a wide range of services of the welfare state (Callanan & Keoghan, 2003).

Public-Policy Making in Ireland

In several countries, the European Union plays a decisive role fully for the recognition and development of Social Economy. The inclusion of term "social economy" in many European documents, relating to employment policy and the use of structural funds for the Third System components have been very favorable. The influence of the European Union is particularly significant in countries where the social economy benefits recognition still restricted. In Greece, for example, the Union national organizations of the Social Economy (PANC) were created support of the European Commission, which also funds a project to conducting an inventory of the organizations in this sector in this country. In Ireland and the United Kingdom, the term social economy appears for some years in public policy especially given the attention is given to the European level. In Sweden, the notion of Economy Social has been catching on only from the implementation of the policies of the European structural funds.

There is now a set of principles to guide Irish politics improvement of legislation, directed from the center of government. These principles - necessity, transparency, consistency, accountability, effectiveness and proportionality - cannot be transgressed. They represent a clear statement of intent that is still lacking in some other EU countries. It is important to have created a general awareness of the project better regulation, both within and outside the administration, but there is still little active support. The knowledge of the project is the result of initiatives of the service improvement of legislation of the Taoiseach, the High Level Group on regulation of business (consisting of external stakeholders and representatives of the administration) and a large number of reports on this ...
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