Iranian Nuclear Crisis

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Iranian Nuclear Crisis

Iranian Nuclear Crisis


Iran's Nuclear Program has now taken the shape of a crisis not only for the Iran but also for the entire world. As it consequences can have detrimental effects which tend to exceed the borders of Unites States and its long time partner Israel. However, the fact needs to be kept in mind that the nuclear program of Iran was initiated with the help of Unites States in 1950's.However, different Western countries along with USA took serious interest in the development of the Iran's Nuclear Program until the advent of the Iranian revolution which toppled the Shah of Iran and forced the west to seek the stance against it (Alireza, 2008). However, due to the proxy war between Israel and Iran in Lebanon the threat of attacking the Iran has elevated. However, the world fears greater consequences of this action as the United States continues to back Israel at least on the public font. In the course of this paper we tend to analyze the possibility of Iran War with Israel or with United States.


Iran, Israel and United States have seen as being head to head against each other when the issue of Iran's nuclear program tends to creeps in. With President of Iran on several forums have criticized U.S and Israel and safeguarded the opinion of his country to develop a nuclear bomb. As there have been several negotiation with Iran although most of them through the back channel diplomacy but all those efforts have hardly seen any positive results. Experts believe that Pentagon along with the military official of Israel have chalked out the plan in order to attack the Iran. Different Nuclear sites has been identified in order to attack Iran, as the laying boots on the ground has been ignored by the official since it tends to increase the possibility of Iran striking back. Thus, it would not be wrong to state that the air strike is considered a much suitable option when it comes to attacking Iran (Dore, 2009).

However, Iran in the recent past has witnessed such events which tend to relate to the possible proxy war against Iran by Israel and U.S. Many Nuclear scientists have been found dead in a suspicion manner which Iran tends to link with U.S and Israel. However, the United States have tried their best to induct Iran in the diplomatic talks in order to ...
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