Introductory Psychology

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Introductory Psychology


The purpose of writing this paper is to analyze the four different stories that taken from a book named 'The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat'. The analysis of the stories based on a thoughtful response that basically related with the human behavior. The analysis based on different points like highlighting the incidents mentioned in the stories with the role of characters that part of the story. Thus, the main motive is to provide the readers deep insight knowledge of the stories for better understanding.

Part One: Losses

The Man who fell out of Bed

As the title of the story clear state that it must be based on a person who fell out of the bed, therefore, the author initiated the story by stating when he was a medical student many years ago, a nurse called him and her voice was trembling, which showing clear signs that something wrong must be happened. She begin by mentioning that a new a new and young patient admitted to hospital that morning, at the time he was admitted, he seemed fine and very nice until a point when he woke up from a snooze and now he seemed excited and strange. He is now out of bed, sitting on the floor and refusing to get back to his bed. Kindly came into the ward to see into the matter.

The beginning of the story is very interesting because it laid ground for the next portion making the readers curious about the events that would be coming in the next half of the story. The wording used by the author is remarkable connecting the readers with the incident because when the second half begins, the author stated that when he arrived in the ward, the patient was still on the floor next to his bed and kept on staring his leg. The expressions showed by the patient were mixed as it contained anger, amusement, alarm and bewilderment. When the author discussed incident with patient by sitting next to him on the floor he mentioned that the left leg does not belong to him and stated it someone's leg, which is quite horrible thing. The tone and pace of the story set by the author is amazing because the patient's character and the incident of leg demonstrated remarkably. The patient was not ready to accept that this leg belong to him and instead of this, he kept on saying that have you ever seen such a horrible thing, you actually fooling me, A man must know his own leg and this leg is not mine. In such a situation, the author was terrified and shocked, thus asked the patient that you are not feeling well and therefore, please return to bed.

In the postscript, the author referenced the letter sent by neurologist Dr. Michael Kremer, he mentioned that such puzzling patients are normal in the modern world and he studied humanistic behavior by highlighting that the story is perfect example for the ...
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