Intervention Report

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Intervention Report

Intervention Plan to Address English Language Speaking Skills

Student Profile


Ajit Acharya




8 Years Old


Ajit is of Indian origin and his parents have recently migrated and settled in Australia. Ajit has received his early childhood education in his home country India and his primary language or mother tongue is Hindi. In Australia, he is having hard time learning and speaking English language as his secondary language. Ajit, who certainly has some special learning needs as he does not actively participate in classroom discussions or activities and remains aloof and distant from his peers. He remains nervous during classroom discussion as well as aloof during breaks in school hours. His teachers have almost always found him sitting alone and eating his lunch or staring at other students who are playing.

Specific Learning Need

Development of English Language Speaking Skills

Process employed to identify Ajit's specific learning need

I have approached a Teacher whom I know for several years. He invited me to come over and meet with a student, Ajit, who certainly has some special learning needs as he does not actively participate in classroom discussions or activities and remains aloof and distant from his peers. I went over and observed Ajit and found him to be nervous who was finding it hard to communicate with his teachers and peers in English language which has resulted in little or no participation on his part in school hours. Teacher who invited me also invited Ajit's mother, Rinkle Kumari, and find out more about his behavior and activities while at home. I met with Rinkle and she told me that Ajit behaves quite normally at home and during family functions in which they invites their extended family members and Ajit mingles with his cousins just like a normal person. However, his teachers and I noted his nervousness during classroom discussion as well as his aloofness during breaks in school hours. His teachers have almost always found him sitting alone and eating his lunch or staring at other students who are playing. I witness the same thing during my 2 days observation of Ajit. I also talked to Ajit's dad Vijay Kumar over the phone and he also reported normal behavior on his part while at home. This is surely due to the fact that they usually speak Hindi, Ajit's mother tongue, at home. Vijay also confirmed to me that they have an extended family in Australia and Ajit interacts with his cousins quite normally in his mother tongue in family functions or visits (Roulstone et al., 2005).

My Observation in 3 Sessions in 3 Days with Ajit

I asked I did my research on Ajit's mother tongue Hindi and learned some basics such as greetings (Namaste) and usual questions such as “tumhara naam kia hai” (What is your name?) including others. Moreover, I asked Rinkle to come over and observe the sessions secretly. In my sessions with Ajit, I tried to interact with him in his mother tongue English language and I noted a sparkle in his beautiful eyes and a ...
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