Intervention For Adhd Should Not Involve Medication - Behavioral Intervention Is Sufficient.

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            Intervention for ADHD should not involve medication - behavioral intervention is sufficient.

Table of Contents


Predominant hyperactive3

Predominant Inattentive3

Hyperactive and Inattentive4


Symptoms of ADHD4

Cause of ADHD6


Environmental Factors6

Brain Injuries7


Food Additives7

Diagnose ADHD8

Treatment of ADHD8



Need For Medication10




Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is usually found in children. ADHD is common childhood disorder. It occurs from childhood and continues till adulthood. The major symptoms of ADHD are that person cannot focus for longtime, cannot control their behavior and hyperactivity. There are three types of ADHD; i) predominantly hyperactive, ii) predominantly inattentive and iii) hyperactive and inattentive (Anonymous, n.d).

Predominant hyperactive

In predominant hyperactive type of ADHD person find it difficult to stay still. The person is not able to stop talking. In children it is observed that they continuously jump, run and climb. They don't rest and are very impulsive. They irritate others, snatch things, and continuously speak. They have difficulty in waiting for their turn and can't listen to others patiently. The person facing from hyperactive ADHD has more injuries and accidents as compare to other types of ADHD.

Predominant Inattentive

In predominant inattentive type of ADHD a person find it difficult to complete tasks on time. They are not able to pay attention on details and descriptions provided to them. Children having this type of ADHD has difficulties is getting alone with other children. They usually sit quite are not aware of what activity is going on. Many time parents and teachers are not able to judge that child is having ADHD.

Hyperactive and Inattentive

In this type person is having symptoms of both the types of ADHD. Symptoms of both the types are equally found (Faraone at el, 2005).

Treatments cure many symptoms of disorders but there is no complete cure for disorders. By the treatments many children are successfully treated and they live their life successfully and productively. Researchers are continuously working on developing effective ways of treatments and interventions. New tools are also been used which includes brain imaging. Brain imaging helps in finding effective ways of treatment and intervention of ADHD (Khan & Faraone, 2005).


Symptoms of ADHD

There are more major symptoms of ADHD which includes hyperactive, impulsivity and inattention. All children have these behaviors some times and they are considered as normal for a child but for ADHD children these behaviors occur frequently. In order to confirm that the child is having ADHD these symptoms should be present in a child from six months or more than six months. The amount of these symptoms must be greater than other children (Shaw at el, 2007).In order to identify any child having ADHD inattention one can find with the help of these symptoms:

Children easily get distracted from the focus point, forget things, divert from one activity to another.

Children are not able to focus on a particular thing.

In every few minutes they get bored from their task and switch to another one.

Not interested in learning new things.

Children are not able to complete their home works

They often forget things like; pencils, toys, bags etc.

Don't listen to other person

Children do day dreaming because they easily ...
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