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ADHD and the Misdiagnosis and or Overdiagnosis In Children

Theoratical Framework

Disorder Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is a developmental disorder of self-control. It includes difficulties in attention and concentration, impulse control and activity level. These problems stem mainly from the inability of the child to regulate their own behavior as a function of the passage of time, the goals and demands of the environment. It 'good to clear that ADHD is not a normal growth phase that every child must overcome, not even the result of an ineffective educational discipline, much less is not a problem due to the "nastiness" of the child. ADHD is a real problem for the individual himself, family and school, and often an obstacle in the achievement of personal goals. It's a problem that creates discomfort and stress in parents and the teachers who are unprepared to manage the child's behavior (Parker, 2009).

Surely the parents are used to seeing how other people react to the behavior of hyperactive children: at first, outsiders tend to ignore the restless behavior, frequent interruptions during the speeches and the infringement of adults with common social rules. In the face of repeated demonstrations of ' lack of control behavior of the child, these people try to put a brake on their own excessive "exuberance", failed, concluding that the child is intentionally rude and destructive. Perhaps the parents are also accustomed to the conclusions to which outsiders come, such as: "The problems of that child are due to the way he was raised, would require more discipline, more limited and some beautiful free-kick. His parents are incapable, careless, too tolerant and permissive, and that child is the result of their inefficiency." By reading these few lines, parents will realize that, while it becomes necessary to do something to manage the behavior of these children, it is also true on the other hand, it becomes urgent to make clear to other adult who is the real nature the problem of hyperactivity. And ' necessary that all the people who interact with children with ADHD, we see and understand the motives of the behavioral manifestations of these kids, putting aside the absurd and unjustifiable explanation aimed at acknowledge and hurt their parents, already so worried and stressed about this situation (Heininger, 2008).

Research Methodology

I would use the qualitative method of study (Case Study method). In this approach, I would carefully analyze the case of a patient suffering from ADHD syndrome. In a case study, a case is studied by a researcher, and detailed information about the entity or phenomenon is recorded. Sometimes information that is found in a case study can lend itself to the content analytical techniques discussed in the previous quantitative research section. Other times, newspapers, books, interviews, or other sources may be used. In content analysis, researchers are looking for specific words, phrases, or general ideas that are relevant to their study. The researchers will then count the instances of these items to learn more about a particular ...
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