Internet Technology, Marketing, And Security

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Internet Technology, Marketing, and Security

Internet Technology, Marketing, and Security


In worldwide marketplace, Internet is used as the most promotional tool for providing relevant information and attracts customers. In order to communicate with customers social networking sites, blogs, websites are used by firms. Firms are continuously using many security techniques and tools to secure data and information of customers and firms but unfortunately firms are facing security breaches due to technological advancement. For this study we have selected Sony Corporation which has faced problem of security breach (Jaakko, 2007). Sony is one of the multinational firms which are operating its business in worldwide markets and it is producing electronic products for their consumers belonging to Japan. The purpose of this paper is to discuss about contact information, private policy, product information and marketing strategies of Sony Corporation.

Evaluation of Website

Sony operates through two main websites which is a global corporate site and this is a site for United States business line. Both websites have similarities related to its offerings. On both websites of Sony we can easily obtain information with detailed specifications and there are also links which makes customers buy form a Sony retailer or Store or we can also see some options to purchase various products online(Gurevych, 2007).

The firm is very effective at providing whole relevant information on the website regarding its services and various products. In this paper we are going to evaluate following areas for Sony Corporation:

Product information

Sony Corporation has developed its website in such an effective way that has been successful in attracting customers to purchase their products as their Website provides all the relevant information about their products usually required by their customers. In addition the corporation's website has offered a list of products on its website which has categorized its products according to its specifications.

Corporation Contact Information

Sony Corporation has provided all the relevant contact information on the website so that customers can easily be able to connect with the corporation every time they want, they have made their system such that customers easily get their contact information. This activity attracts customers and makes value to the firm. On the website of Sony corporation we can also find information to find out the nearest location for purchasing products it makes easy for the customers to find the neatest retail outlet and buy the product. It is very important for a company to give their contact details which on the website and it should be placed in such a way that it could be easily visible to the customers. Customers can contact with Sony through different ways on their website, it basically depends upon the needs of the customers (Croll, 2009). Customers can also request for technical assistance through online procedure or phone as the number is also available on the website and most importantly different blogs and forum are established for the assistance and discussion on various products. Sales associates of Sony Corporations can be contacted by customers through phone also as the phone ...
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