Today Small and Medium Business (SMB) companies are increasingly realizing that simply by tapping into the cloud they can gain fast access to best business applications or drastically boost their infrastructure resources, all at negligible cost. Gartner (Jay Heiser, 2009) defines cloud computing (Stanojevi et al., 2008; Vaquero et al., 2009; Weiss, 2007; Whyman, 2008; Boss et al., 2009) as ''a style of computing where massively scalable IT enabled capabilities are delivered 'as a service' to external customers using Internet technologies''. Cloud providers currently enjoy a profound opportunity in the marketplace. The providers must ensure that they get the security aspects right, for they are the ones who will shoulder the responsibility if things go wrong. The cloud offers several benefits like fast deployment, payforuse, lower costs, scalability, rapid provisioning, rapid elasticity, ubiquitous network access, greater resiliency, hypervisor protection against network attacks, low cost disaster recovery and data storage solutions, on demand security controls, real time detection of system tampering and rapid reconstitution of services. While the cloud offers these advantages, until some of the risks are better understood, many of the major players will be tempted to hold back (Viega, 2009). According to a recent IDCI survey, 74% of IT executives and CIO's cited security as the top challenge preventing their adoption of the cloud services model (Clavister, 2009). Analysts' estimate that within the next five years, the global market for cloud computing will grow to $95 billion and that 12% of the worldwide software market will move to the cloud in that period. To realize this tremendous potential, business must address the privacy questions raised by this new computing model (BNA, 2009). Cloud computing moves the application software and databases to the large data centres, where the management of the data and services are not trustworthy. This unique attribute, however, poses many new security challenges (Cong Wang et al., 2009). These challenges include but not limited to accessibility vulnerabilities, virtualization vulnerabilities, web application vulnerabilities such as SQL (Structured Query Language) injection and cross site scripting, physical access issues, privacy and control issues arising from third parties having physical control of data, issues related to identity and credential management, issues related to data verification, tampering, integrity, confidentiality, data loss and theft, issues related to authentication of the respondent device or devices and IP spoofing. Though cloud computing is targeted to provide better utilization of resources using virtualization techniques and to take up much of the work load from the client, it is fraught with security risks (Seccombe et al., 2009). The complexity of security risks in a complete cloud environment is illustrated in Fig. 1. In Fig. 1, the lower layer represents the different deployment models of the cloud namely private, community, public and hybrid cloud deployment models. The layer just above the deployment layer represents the different delivery models that are utilized within a particular deployment model. These delivery models are the SaaS (Software as a Service), ...