Pat G. (2011). How Cloud Computing is Changing the Manufacturing ERP Landscape, San Ramon Valley Blvd.
In this paper the author Pat has mentioned the fact that, the introduction and success of cloud computing in recent years has changed dramatically, as companies work. With the development of cloud computing, software purchasing practices are changing. The company can subscribe to application services, rather than buying licenses and some applications are becoming more accessible to SMEs. Nowhere is this more evident than in the manufacturing industry, and manufacturers are traditionally slow to adopt new technology platforms that affect mission-critical operations.
All companies organized work with business projections based on models, and agricultural production is no exception. It also discusses alternative models that weigh external variables such as rainfall or prices, to define possible scenarios. However, these mechanisms are regularly performed at first in spreadsheets or simple planning systems are not integrated into management. And that is because the integrated management systems often require an investment in infrastructure and investment totaling licensing. With cloud computing, we see a radical change in the productive landscape moving into business applications are delivered as Software as a Service (SaaS) over the Internet. Loh, T. C. and Koh, L. (2004) “Critical elements for a successful ERP implementation in SMEs” International Journal of Production Research The author in this book has discussed that Cloud Computing and ERP are increasingly used as powerful and strong that it has become a habit for many of our organizations, innovative and more clinging to tradition.
As many already know or intuit, Cloud Computing is not just access and work with professional applications installed on a server, is also a model of provision of storage and processing of information that is tailored to the qualitative and quantitative needs of each company. Indeed, there is nothing to install on the computers of the company, everything is in the cloud and this cloud has the virtue of being flexible and adaptable to meet the needs and possibilities of each company. We gain flexibility, but also grow in safety and reliability, as characteristics of working with data on servers.
The concept SAAS is closely related to cloud computing. When we talk about SAAS (Software as a Service), we refer to a model that conceptualizes the enterprise software and professional as a global service that brings together development activities, customization, technical support, maintenance and even day to day operation, all from the safe environment one or more servers. You can access these applications from any Internet-connected computer, using the user accounts you provide IT company to provide us. It is not business applications market selling CD cases, or even to download software to install on your computer. The necessary software for the management of our business is seen as continuity service and not as a product that is purchased and used in isolation.
Directly related to the Cloud Computing and SAAS, is also the concept ...