Internet Banking

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Internet Banking



I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.


I [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis represent my own unaided work, and that the dissertation/thesis has not previously been submitted for academic examination towards any qualification. Furthermore, it represents my own opinions and not necessarily those of the University.

Signed __________________ Date _________________

Table of Contents




Problem Statement1

Layout of the Report1

Chapter 12

Chapter 22

Chapter 32

Chapter 42



Discussions of the overall Research Results7

Results of Descriptive Statistics7

Results of Correlations Statistics8

Results of Hypotheses Testing8

Conclusions of the Study9

Recommendations for Future Research12

Chapter Summary13



In the increasingly competitive world of retail banking, organizations must establish a presence that sets them apart from the crowd. Low cost, convenience, broad product lines, and customer service have all been used to segment the banking industry. For small and medium sized banks, customer service has increasingly been the method of choice for making their mark. This strategy has been driven primarily by an inability to compete in other key areas with the larger players in the banking industry, but also by the economics of customer retention. The process of obtaining new customers is a costly and time-consuming venture. Because of this, banks of all sizes have focused a great deal of time and energy on improving customer service practices (Wallace, Giese & Johnson, 2004).

The study at hand elaborates upon the determinant of customers' preferences and satisfaction of internet banking. Its purpose is to explore the concept of banking along with the barriers that might exist in the adoption of online banking by the customers.

Problem Statement

The research tends to explore the study the consumers' perception regarding online banking and investigates whether they are satisfied with the services on net or not. Moreover, it takes into account all such factors which determine the consumers' perception and convenience with the internet banking facility.

Layout of the Report

The research study investigates this introduction, background, implementation and adoption of internet banking as a customer by the customers. It emphasizes upon the determinants of the online banking and investigates upon the extent o f customer satisfaction from the online banking services.

Chapter 1

This chapter looks into the background and purpose of research. It mentions the aims, objectives and the questions which have been undertaken to be studied. Moreover, it also goes to provide the significance and rationale of the research study being conducted.

Chapter 2

This chapter of dissertation discusses the e-banking concept and compares it to the traditional banking services. It also gives a generalized and detailed overview of the e-banking, its advantages and disadvantages, service quality, customers' preferences and other related aspects in the study.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 discusses the methodology undertaken to conduct the research on the subject. It talks about the research methodology applied in the study, instruments utilized for collecting, the design of research and the pros and cons of the research methodology ...
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