Internet Banking

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Consumer Characteristics Leading To Evolution of Internet Banking


The aim of this research proposal is to increase the understanding regarding the characteristics of the consumers that have resulted in evolution of the internet banking. Since it has been observed that need for internet banking is increasing day by day, this proposal will also discover the aims of this banking and look over the limitation that come in the way of internet banking. This analysis will be performed by keeping in the mind related to United Kingdom sector.

Consumer Characteristics Leading To Evolution of Internet Banking


This paper is focusing on the characteristics of the consumers that results in taking up the internet banking for understanding the role compared to the activities of traditional banking and to provide a complete the entire picture of technology. And the fact that the access of global internet is increasing with time, that has been observed to offer newer market based on internet services like internet banking. This research will also provide an understanding of why and how the decisions of the consumers affect the banking on the internet or not.

Problem Statement

The problem related with the sector of the internet banking is that according to the needs of the consumers it is keeping on evolving but it can also be observed that there are a number of risk that are related and the participants are clearly aware of these factors that there can be number of risks involved while dealing with internet banking..

The main concern arises with the women because they have lesser capabilities of dealing with the new technologies and women including people who are used to the standardized method are not able to sustain the new technicalities related to the internet banking. Along with the evolving techniques in the internet banking it becomes really hard to frequently train the employees through which they are not capable of assessing the consumers regarding the changes that take place in the internet banking.

Thesis Statement

Increasing number of people are using the services of the internet banking, with this demand frequent modifications have been taking place that becomes hard for individuals to deal with.

Purpose of the Study

The significant purpose of this study is to identify the factors that are capable of influencing the consumers in increasingly using internet banking. But we will also look into certain recommendations for the banks so that they can maintain their service of the internet banking by improving the acknowledgment of the consumers who are unable to deal with the improved services of the internet banking. Although internet banking can be observed to be costly the chances of the errors are increasing and a lot of effort will be needed for dealing with all these issues.

Aims of Objectives

The main focus of conducting this study is to identify the major reasons behind the consumer's adoption of the internet banking.

Although the internet banking is increasing the cost of the banks while operating these services, is it reliable enough for the customers and outcomes ...
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