International Project Management

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International Project Management

International Project Management


The concept of international project management is common in today's business. Almost each and every business is using the concept and ensuring that they are effectively and efficiently handling the work by means of project management. The people involved in the process of international project management are trained in a manner that will help the organization to achieve the target that it has aimed for. International project management has proved to be successful for many companies in a number of sectors. The different approaches and techniques developed by international project management have also been fruitful for the companies. One such technique is the unified approach which has helped the companies in achieving success. On the other hand, there are different techniques that have damaged the concept of project management. It depends on the company as to how it implements the concept of project management to ensure that the company benefits from it. international project management has its own pros and cons and it is important for the company to identiofy those and make use of them (Lientz & Rea, 2002).This paper will discuss the different reasons for the success and the failure behind the concept of international project management.


International project management is a concept that is helping the business to expand and ensure that they are able to work in a manner and in an environment that will prove to be successful for them. The earnings and revenues of the companies have been increasing since the concept of international project management has been implemented (Wiegers, 1999). This is the reason that companies are happy when they are given international projects to handle. It should be kept in mind that there are certain reasons for the success and the failure of the international projects that the company is undertaking. International project management has been a very useful tool in ensuring that success is achieved in the international market; however, there are aspects of success and failures for the project management. The reasons for the success and the failure are discussed below:

Reasons for Success

The international project management has been successful in many cases. Companies that ensure that international project management becomes a part of their business have a high probability of attaining success. Some reasons for successful international project management are mentioned below:

Unified Approach

The concept of unified approach developed by project management has been successful, and this is why it has been applied in many companies in various sectors. The main element in project management that helps in developing the concept of unified approach is the management of teams and of ensuring that the people working on the project are the ones who are efficient and who are able to deliver their best on the project. The management of people and making them work and deliver is the main aim of the project manager (Murphy, 2005). This is how the concept of unified approach comes into play. When people work together to ensure that the project is completed ...
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