International Project Management

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International Project Management

International Project Management


The purpose of this research paper is to make a report on the World Bank's procurement manual. This is a summary of policies and procedures governing procurement in Bank-financed projects and selection of consultants for Bank's operational work. The purpose of this Manual is to inform the concerned State Directors and other officers, the objectives of the project, guidelines for implementation of the project and to keep the States/ DGE&T officers informed about various procurement procedures applicable to this project. As the responsibility for the implementation of project, award and administration of contracts lies with the Borrower, it is important to get acquainted with the procurement procedures of the World Bank. A set of Guidelines have been published by the World Bank which need to be understood and followed by the State Governments so as to enable them to procure 'Works', 'Goods' and 'Consultant Services' in conformity with these guidelines. Adoption of these procedures will ultimately result in efficient procurement and will enable the Borrower to claim reimbursement of funds spent from the Bank within the stipulated time frame.

Procurement Manual

In May 1994 the International Training Centre of the ILO in Turin hosted a meeting of procurement specialists from the European Union (EU)/DG-XV, World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the SIGMA Programme. The aim of the meeting was to compare views on future public procurement training needs in Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) and to co-ordinate the approach of these institutions to meeting the needs. It was agreed that efforts should be made to develop generic training materials and courses which could be then adapted as required for specific country needs.

In December 1994, a workshop in Brussels was organised by SIGMA in collaboration with EU/DG-XV and EU/Phare to which were invited procurement specialists from all CEECs. The conclusions of the Turin meeting were presented to the workshop and, based on the recommendations of the CEEC representatives at that time, SIGMA and ILO/Turin agreed to collaborate in the development of this Manual.

The Manual was conceived as the first step in a broader project for human resource development in the public procurement domain using a "training of trainers" approach. In defining their joint project, SIGMA and ILO/Turin agreed that the Manual would be developed to serve a dual purpose: to provide a basic guide immediately usable by practitioners upon its completion with national materials and to provide the foundation for design of the teaching materials for a training of trainers course.

In support of the first of those goals, SIGMA has produced and distributed a number of copies of the Manual to each country, recommending it to be supplemented, translated and distributed to practitioners. In June 1996 SIGMA sponsored a workshop for the CEEC procurement specialists, with ILO/Turin support, at which guidance ws provided for the completion of the Manual with national supplements and the methodology for developing national training strategies was introduced. ILO/Turin will seek donor support to proceed with ...
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