International Mode Of Entry

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International Mode of Entry

International Mode of Entry

Table of Content



Consumers' perception of Tesco- Lotus image in Thailand4

Dimensions of Tesco's international retail success experience in Thailand7

Internal strategic processes7

External strategic processes in Thailand17

Tesco experience in US23




Chapter 4: Result and Discussion

The survey instrument is a structured questionnaire that is divided into two parts. The first section is designed to collect the respondents' profile including age, gender, monthly income, and occupation. In part two, the respondents are asked to rank from a scale of 1-5, where 1 means “very unimportant” and 5 means “very important”, the impact that each of the attributes in Table 2 has on their selection of a shopping centre.

Intercept interviews have been administered to a random sample of consumers who did their food shopping at Tesco- Lotus. A total of 40 consumers have completed the questionnaire.

In order to reduce gender bias, the survey has attempted to balance the proportions of male and female respondents, see Table 1. The majority of respondents belong to the younger age groups reflecting the changing lifestyles and consumption patterns of a more affluent society under a market-oriented economy.

Consumers' perception of Tesco- Lotus image in Thailand

A major objective of this paper is to examine consumers' perception of the importance of store image and store image attributes of the joint venture shopping centres, and compare them between consumers from a first-tier city and a second-tier. In other words, the relationships between the rank of the city, and the way its consumers perceive the importance of store image and store image attributes are analysed. The independent variable is the rank of the city that is either first-tier or second-tier. The dependent variables comprise a group of importance scores of Tesco- Lotus which is a joint venture supermarket image attributes as shown in Table 2.

In this paper, a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) is administered because MANOVA is a multivariate extension of the univariate techniques used for measuring the differences between group means. MANOVA could be applied to assess whether an overall difference exists between groups, and subsequently through the separate univariate tests, which are part of MANOVA, individual issues for each dependent variable could be examined in detail ( Hair et al., 1998).

According to the MANOVA test, there is a strong relationship between the rank of the city in Thailand and the importance of Tesco- Lotus store image at the significance level of 0.05, see Table 3.

This implies that consumers living in different cities of Thailand have significantly different opinions of the importance of Tesco- Lotus supermarket image. Since a strong relationship between a pool of dependent variables and an independent variable does not necessarily infer that significant relationships also exist between each dependent variable and the independent variable (Manly, 1994), additional MANOVA tests are conducted to analyse the relationship between the rank of the city and consumers' perceived importance of each Tesco- Lotus supermarket image attribute. The results reveal that at the significance level of ...
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