International Marketing

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International Marketing and Qatar Airways

International Marketing and Qatar Airways


All marketing strategies are now customer driven because customers are the most important and integral part of an organization. The organizations that are focusing mainly on their customers have a competitive advantage over others in the market. Marketing a brand and developing brand awareness are the core responsibilities of a marketer. The aim of this paper is to discuss marketing philosophies and strategies that are required to achieve momentum in the market. We will also evaluate Qatar Airways customer focused marketing strategies and the success factors of the air carrier.


Importance of Customers

Customers are the fundamental part of business success. Identifying the customers and meet the needs of customers are the primary goals of any marketing strategy. In order to achieve repeat business long-term goal, and to ensure customer satisfaction, a company needs to consider the importance of customers at all marketing process stages. If any organization fails to develop satisfaction and loyalty of customers, it could lose customers and market share. The main objective of every business is the fulfillment of customers needs; the organization would not “exist” without customers (Kotabe, 2002, pp. 79-97).

Marketing Philosophies

Product orientation

Product orientation is a marketing philosophy. The sole focus of product orientation is a product that a company sells. Product orientation is concerned with the product quality. This approach takes the management's attention to develop a better quality product according to the customer's need, and the product research and development keep evolving during the whole product lifecycle.


The process of creating value and delivering that value to customers, in order to capture the monetary value from customers, is known as sales. Sales are not just delivering value and gain return; it includes customer loyalty and satisfaction as well. If a product is failed in satisfying customers need, the customer would not buy that product again.


The core objective of marketing is to create a balance between creating more value for the customers according to their needs and wants, and generating income for the business. This objective can only be met when the organization's main focus would be on identifying and understanding the preferences of customers, and delivering the values to the customers more efficiently and effectively than other competitors.


Customer may be defining as it is a person that consumes the product and he has the rights to choose a product from different suppliers and products available in the market. A customer purchases the product from the supplier for a monetary or other consideration. Customers are the most important part of any marketing strategy as customers provide sales and profits to an organization (McKechnie, 2008, pp. 224-230).

Customer Focused Philosophy

An organization will be said to have a customer focused philosophy if the organization has highest preferences and regards for its customers. The main focus of organization's everything and every decision should be based on the customer's satisfaction and building long-term relations with them. This idea of focusing the customer is a key to continue success and ...
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