International Management

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International Management

Executive Summary

This paper discusses the training and development of a multinational team, where people have gathered from a different area of the world. This paper explains that how to make the team more efficient and effective by adding the members of the team from different cultures and regions. Furthermore, the growth of the teams and what the leaders should do while developing a diversified workforce. Apart from that the benefits of the various workforce is also highlighted. As the world has become boundary less the multinational corporations has to perform its operations in different regions. In this paper, the company is operating its business in Europe and Asia, so the company has to make the diversify team to operate its business activities smoothly in both regions. When one talks about diversity, it means that we are referring to the many people who make up a team, either because of their culture, gender, age, abilities, social status, religion or sexual orientation. The motive of improving the diversify team is to enhance the operations of the business of the company. This paper also concludes the finding of the study. International Management


This paper discusses the training and development of a multinational team, where people have gathered from a different area of the world. The objective of the paper is to make the team more efficient and effective by adding the members of the team from different cultures and regions. Furthermore, this paper highlights the leadership actions that are needed to facilitate the management of the various teams in the multinational corporations. The operations and the effectiveness of the operations are directly related to the employees and their performance. The scenario of this paper is that I have been assigned as the Operation Director of a multinational company whose business is operating in Europe and Asia. Since the company is operating in two different regions, so the business and control of the company has to deal with the employees who have come from different cultures and societies. In order to better understand about how diversify the workforce in organizations exist in today's society and how learning can prove itself as a competitive advantage; an in depth discussion regarding the relevant factors and theoretical approaches is needed.


Diversity is not only part of the full amounts of the company. It plays a vital role in creating a positive work environment in the company and to keep employees, customers and suppliers together. That time is gone when companies were concerned to hire professionals with similar cultures and ideologies alike. Now, managers know that cultural diversity among experts is of utmost importance to the success of businesses operations because the companies in today's world are operating worldwide (Liu, MacCurtain, & Mkamwa, 2010, 977-998).

The term “cultural diversity” is explained as the cultural differences that exist between people: religion, or city and country of birth, clothing, language and values. In a business context, this concept has a broader sense, for businesses because cultural diversity can represent not ...
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