Haiti is a country developing, which is an emerging democracy and experience that attempts to organize and rebuild after the earthquake that devastated a third of its territory. Yet with the same natural conditions starting as its neighbor, the Dominican Republic who lives compared rather well through tourism, Haiti occupied the number one tourist destination in the Caribbean in the years 1950, 1960 and 1970. Nicknamed "The Pearl of the Antilles", there was a time the most visited country in the Caribbean. Stock exchange in Hati is in its infancy stages. Government was unable to focus on the promotion and development of capital markets in the country as it remained busy in other important issues.
Haiti's afinancial asystem aplays aa alimited arole ain asupporting aeconomic agrowth. aThis areflects aa abroad arange aof adevelopment achallenges, aincluding asignificant aweaknesses ain athe alegal aand ainstitutional aframeworks, athe afragile asecurity asituation, alimited acompetition abetween abanks, apoor agovernance, ahigh areserve arequirement aratios, athe aabsence aof aa afunctioning acredit aregistry, aand acrowding aout aby aBRH abond aholdings. aThe aresult ahas abeen alow acredit agrowth, ahigh aintermediation aspreads aand alimited aaccess ato acredit. aAs amentioned, athe acountry astock aexchange ais astill ain aits ainfancy astages awhich acan abe ajudged aby athe afact athat aeven athe awebsite ais anot aconstructed. aThe aeconomical aconditions aare aalso anot avery aencouraging aand aworld asituation ahas afurther aexaggerated athe asituation. aUnder athese aconditions a(and aneoliberal aIMF aconditional aties), aa aworld aeconomic acrisis athat aresults ain aeven aa afew apoints auptick ain ainflation aor aa acouple aof apoints adrop ain aGDP awould anot ajust aimpact aon athe abasic aneeds aof apoor aHaitians abut awould acompromise atheir avery aphysical asurvival.