International Business Practices

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International Business Practices


In a rapidly changing environment, organizations constantly change goals and seemingly confront corporate cultural conflicts. And the global economy has altered economic structures and social policies and cause communities to enter to such a dynamic environment. International management and strategy is designed to stimulate discussions on current developments in several issues and disciplines. There are several issues in international business management such as corruption, terrorism, child labour, protection of intellectual property or extreme cultural distance

The paper will focus of the cultural aspects with respect to different countries and compare it with three countries; United States, China, and Dubai and will analyze the most favourable area for expanding internationally.

Culture Comparison of UK, China, and Dubai

United Kingdom and China


The culture of any country has many variables, and one of the most important things of a country's culture is the types of foods, which are consumed in a country. Speaking of eating, the Chinese people are happy, whether it is in China, the types of food, eating environment, food prices, food and health is better than Britain. From the types of food, the British too much less monotonous than China, the Chinese people have more choices than the British do (Hofstede, 1993). One of the most influential schools in cooking are the Sichuan, Shandong, Fujian, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, Hunan, & some other cuisines. In fact, more than the eight major cuisines of Chinese cuisine, so if the breakdown can be divided into the following categories: Sichuan, Shandong cuisine, Cantonese, Hunan, Fujian, Yangzhou, Jiangsu cuisine, etc, plus snacks throughout numerous pieces can be described as move, are numerous. 


The people of China are also different from the people in UK in many other ways. The perception of people in China is completely different from the perception of people in the UK, the people usually like to gather as much as possible about a product before they even start looking for a place to buy a product (Allan, 2003). These people like to gather all the relevant knowledge about the product even before they go to buy that product. The people in China are not up-tom date about different things, and they ask the shop owner or the sales representative a lot of questions before they buy a product. They usually do not have so much knowledge about products.


Then another difference is the perception towards work, the people in UK usually aim to make money from their job. All their efforts are focused towards increasing their wealth in one way or the other. On the other hand, the people in China have a passion towards learning; they love to learn all the time. The people in UK usually switch their jobs to aim for a higher salary, but the people in China change their jobs to increase their knowledge base.


Chinese culture is very different from the culture of UK. From the individual to all the obligations of family relationships, the difference between the two cultures is ...
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