International Business

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International Business

International Business


Companies are finding ways to expand and enter new markets. The trend of international business has increased a lot since the past few years and it is important for the companies to follow the trend in order to stay ahead of its competitors. The management of the companies should be such that help their business to work according to the new business environment. This will not only help the company in expanding on an international level, but will also give a boost to the profits of the company if the global expansion plan is planned and executed in an efficient manner. There are many companies that have not expanded and operate locally only. One such company is the Indian Advertising company, Akshara Advertising. Now, the company is looking to expand in Saudi Arabia and this paper will assess the business environment in the said country for identifying whether the decision of expanding is feasible for the company or not.


International business is an aspect that should be managed very carefully by the management. In case the company fails to expand globally, it will have to incur a huge loss. Therefore, to ensure profits and successful operations, Akshara Advertising will have to carefully assess the business environment and other business related aspects in Saudi Arabia.

Akshara Advertising

Akshara Advertising is an Indian advertising company that offers advertising services to the local companies. Indian companies are clients of Akshara Advertising and the company is in business since the past three decades. It is registered and is an accredited agency with the Indian Newspaper Society. The clients of the company are satisfied with the services provided by Akshara and the ways in which they do business is accepted by all the other companies. The company believes in healthy and fair competition, which is why, it has managed to build a reputable image in the industry.

Operations in India

Akshara Advertising has a successful and profitable business history in India. It has managed to work sincerely and honestly for its clients. This can be proved by the fact that whenever a company wants advertising services, it opts for Akshara Advertising. The philosophy of the company reflects the honesty with which it operates. Creativity is the aspect that the company focuses on. It does not copy ideas of other companies and sell it as its own. This is a factor that sets Akshara Advertising apart from the companies in the advertising industry. This is essential aspect that all advertising companies should possess in order to promote healthy and fair competition in the industry. After successful operations in India, the company is now looking to expand in Saudi Arabia.

Expanding Globally

Expansion is a decision that the management of the company takes when the company is running successfully locally and is earning substantial profits. It is important that the management is able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company so that it can work on them and make the expansion a success (Warren, 2012, ...
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